An End of Night

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An End of Night audiobook – Audience Reviews


Hi there, are you looking for An End of Night audiobook free? If yes, you are in the right place! scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it, thanks.


Review #1

An End of Night full audiobook free


Book 16 . . . I have no way of explaining how absolutely all-encompassing and insanely wonderful this book was. It has definitely become one of my favorites in the series. A few highlights (without giving away too much):
– I learned that evil souls CAN actually give and receive true love (not that it changes how much I DESPISE those evil souls) . . .
– Kiev . Is. AWESOME.
– It was so wonderful to see Caleb and Roses story come full circle (but I wont tell you how it ends!)
– Kiev. Is. AWESOME.
– A good deed done for even your worst enemy can come back around in a good way.
– Kiev. Is. AWESOME.
– When a family stands together, there is nothing they cant accomplish!
– Kiev. Is. AWESOME.
– Just because youre dead doesnt mean your story ends (just hoping that when it DOES end, its on a good note and not a bad one).
– Oh! And did I mention KIEV IS AWESOME! HAHAHA!
Ive actually gone back and read this book twice already. It was so full of action, love, passion . . . everything that makes a reader want to dive headfirst into this world called the Shade. I cant wait to see where Bella takes us next Book 17 or BUST!


Review #2

An End of Night audiobook in series Shade of Vampire


I loved “A Shade of Vampire 16”. I loved the fact that Caleb and Rose FINALLY tied the knot. I wished there was more on Ben and his story. And I’m sorry to say, but I really wanted to hear more about the dragons. How they made out with their new mates. Hope there’s a book highlighting their story more in detail. But this book was as great as all the rest. It’s funny how evil things were in the beginning. With the Elders, and the Vampires. How they treated the humans. As each new book came out, the events kept getting toned down more and more. I wanted a little bit more of that excitement. Yes the black witches were dark and did horrible things to the humans, but that was about it. That and the mermaid people being horribly ugly and attacking and killing outsiders. Anyways, read the whole series. From the first book to the sixteenth book. Its very exciting and keeps you on the edge of your seat. You always want more and more. Never wanting the story to finish. A++++


Review #3

An End of Night audiobook by Bella Forrest


Many of our characters are seeing ghosts from their past in this book! With time slipping away from them in their quest for power, Rhys and the black witches are desperate to perform the ritual that will give them the power to rule all of the supernatural realms. But Mona has figured out Lilith, and they have formulated a plan to thwart Rhys and his followers’ plan to rise to power. But it is such an impossible task, how could they possible succeed? Caleb and Rose are now engaged, but the Shade is still in turmoil so their joy over the announcement is placed on the back burner until they can ensure the safety of everyone in all of the supernatural realms. I couldn’t be happier with the ending to Caleb and Rose’s story and the outcome of the Shade and its inhabitants after the very trying time they have endured since the twins left for Scotland! We finally get another inside look at Ben and where he is now and what is to come, as he is also faced with some ghosts from the past.


Review #4

An End of Night audio narrated by Amanda Ronconi Chris Ruen Emma Galvin Lucas Daniels Tavia Gilbert Zach Karem Zachary Webber


I absolutely LOVED this book! The story about Lillith and the Black Witches was amazing. I don’t want to give any spoilers in my review, but what ended up happening between Rose and Isolde made me smile ( I don’t know how to describe or explain, without spoiling) the excitement I felt when I read that part! When reading the fight part between Mona and Rhys, I seriously felt like I was there and the ending of that fight blew my mind.
I was growing so impatient while waiting for this book (#16) to get released, I literally felt like a child waiting for Christmas. I cannot even tell you how many times I double checked the release date because I just HAD to start reading this book the moment it was available. Ever since book #1, I just haven’t been able to stop reading this series. I even read book #15 for the second time a few days before this one got released. Now “A wind of change” is coming out, but not until August 20. Ugh. It’s going to be such a long month of waiting, imagining what could possibly happen to The Shade, the Novack’s, etc. I recommend this series to every single one of my friends who are avid readers, and we agree that every single book has been absolutely amazing. It seems as though there is never a dull moment and it keeps me on my toes. Fabulous book again Bella. I am counting down the weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds until “A wind of change” is released.


Review #5

free audio An End of Night – in the audio player below


In this thrilling read the gang travels to the supernatural realm in search of Magnus and get lead on a wild chase and some very close calls. We see a side of lilith that almost makes you feel bad for her…almost. The final battle against the black witches takes place to finally eliminate them once and for all. Ben learns something chilling about Jeremiah which sends him running before he discovers who Ben really is but is it too late for Ben to leave already? I can’t wait to read his story next.


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    A Fall of Secrets

    A Wind of Change


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