Big Little Lies audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Big Little Lies audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Big Little Lies audiobook free
Kindergarten Politics. I never had children, but I imagine that those two words strike heart-stopping fear in any parent with a child entering elementary school. Liane Moriarty took me through the experience with all the irony, hilarity, fear and poignancy possible. I loved the format of the story-telling. It was clear who was talking at each point of the story, but the story was written to allow each witness to say a paragraph or so about how they saw the event. As you can imagine, lots of differing viewpoints. For the main characters, Madeline, Celeste and Jane, their stories alternated from chapter to chapter. I would love to meet them for coffee anytime. The narrator was outstanding in every way. I always knew who was talking, but the emotions generated by these stories were clear to the listener. I have no complaints with this narrator. There is a death and an investigation, but it is actually minor to the rest of the story. Just the setting for the death, a Kindergarten Trivia Night in which everyone dressed as Elvis or Audry Hepburn, makes it funny to me. If this book sounds like something you would never want to hear, let me tell you, I resisted my many friends begging me to read this story. Boy, am I glad I got away from my comfort zone to listen to this excellent story. I will go to Liane Moriarty again!! 215 people found this helpful
Review #2
Big Little Lies audiobook streamming online
The Aussie accent was neither here nor there. The world of kindergarten politics was excruciating to those of us without kids. If it had been an interesting classic murder mystery it may have been ok. To suffer through 9/10 of the book before the murder and the saccharine sweet finish. Meh 7 people found this helpful
Review #3
Audiobook Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
I\’ve never experienced a book quite like this one. I\’m exhausted from listening to it. I was on the edge of my seat through the entire story. As each new fact was revealed I was impatient to see what happened next. I laughed and laughed dozens of times. And I cried once, standing in the grocery store holding my breath waiting to see what happened. I was totally invested in the character and story development. What makes the writing truly genius was that all of the reactions I listed above came from small, simple things that happened in the story. There weren\’t big, unbelievable action scenes or sweeping romances, just daily, simple, life-happenings that added up in just the right (or wrong) way. And the ending…perfect. It was worthy of the rest of the story. The ending was long and satisfying. I loved the narrator. I think she really added to it. Her voice squeaked and cracked and felt very real. I loved, loved, and enthusiastically recommend this book. 350 people found this helpful
Review #4
Audio Big Little Lies narrated by Caroline Lee
I generally don\’t take the time to write reviews but am taking the time now. If you have enjoyed all of Liane Moriarty\’s other books, then you will enjoy this one too! It will definitely not be rated the \”feel good\” story of the year but very brilliantly crafted and inter-woven. I found the narrator very likable and believable and enjoyed listening to her accent. I was concerned a bit based on another review I had read as I cherish my credits and am very careful what I use them on, but am delighted to report that this book was very credit worthy! 63 people found this helpful
Review #5
Free audio Big Little Lies – in the audio player below
i struggled to finish it. i didn\’t like the readers voice. just couldn\’t get in to it 6 people found this helpful