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When the good turns bad he just becomes worse than the average villain. Lord Count Dooku was once a Jedi and he used to protect the innocent in the galaxy from the evil Sith. It was all old-time as now he has left the Jedi Council and is himself a Sith. Looting the innocent has become his basic trade and he shows no mercy towards anything.

Dooku has broken all the laws in the galaxy; no one can stop this demon that is growing in power every day. Fighters have tried to stand against him but failed to stop him for a very long time. One last ruthless attack on a ship by Dooku forces the Jedi Council to take extreme measures against the demons.

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Two warriors are selected for the job i.e Quinlan and Asajj Ventress. Ventress knows Dooku more than anyone else because she used to work with him once but now she is his bitter enemy because of certain reasons which she does not want to talk about. Quinlan still does not trust the girl because he thinks that she has been plotted in the council by Dooku.

Without having trust in one another the two warriors still move on the quest to kill the demon present in the galaxy. Christie Golden’s World of Warcraft: Arthas – Rise of the Lich King and World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde decorated the series of “World of Warcraft”. Now the author gets the chance to contribute something to Star wars as well. The chance is well utilized by the author Christie and the narrator Marc Thompson.

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