Dark Skies (Dark Shores #2) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Dark Skies (Dark Shores #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Dark Skies (Dark Shores #2) audiobook free
This book was frustrating. Not because the story isn’t good – it is. Not because the characters aren’t interesting – they are. What’s frustrating is that this is just a story of introductions, much like the first was. Whereas Dark Shores introduces us to Teriana and Marcus and focuses a lot on the Empire and Celendor, Dark skies takes us across the Endless Seas where we are introduced to Lydia and Killian and the struggle Mudamora is facing during a war with the Seventh, the Corrupted, and the Derin army. We meet Killian, godsmarked and sworn sword of a conniving princess who basically sits on a stolen throne. We are given Lydia’s side of what happened in the Empire and then on her arriving in Mudamora. But other than a small scene toward the end of the book, the story does not progress much overall. It’s like looking at two sides of the same coin in a lot of ways. Maybe that was the author’s intention, but I found myself completely frustrated by the lack of progress and wondering why these four POV’s couldn’t have been combined in the first book so that we could have had a little more movement in this second book between all of our characters. A little more resolution to some of the problems facing them. It’s like the first two books are just set up books, and that’s frustrating. I don’t have the words to say it any better than that. I do like what I’ve read. It’s interesting, and the world is expansive. The characters are all motivated by different things and no one falls flat or seems too good or bad to be true. I’m curious to see how it all connects. I want the massive teasing in regards to Lydia’s true heritage to pay off. That was really another thing that bugged me – we don’t get even the slightest bit of satisfaction, either with the romance aspect of this book or the intrigue of it. It’s left on a major cliffhanger that just ends abruptly. Like there should be more, but isn’t. So basically while I like this series—the plot you can pick out is great—it completely bugs the heck out of me, because for a second book I feel like there should be more going on to advance the main plot than what is, even if it is told from two new character’s perspectives.
Review #2
Dark Skies (Dark Shores #2) audiobook streamming online
I LOVED THIS BOOK!!!!! I loved the characters. I loved the story. I loved that every switch between characters felt like a cliffhanger. I loved every freaking thing about this book!! Ok. Deep breath in . . . Sign on the exhale . . . Now I am calm enough to talk about it. Seriously though, I loved this book and I am so glad I read it second. The whole time I was reading Dark Shores I was thinking about Lydia and what happened to her. Her story was nothing like I expected. Not that I knew what to expect, but wow. Lydia is amazing. I love how much she loves her friend, Teriana and her dad. BUT, I am dying to find out if we learn who her birth parents are. Especially with that little teaser toward the beginning. Sigh. Then there is Killian. I FREAKING LOVE KILLIAN! I am team Killian all the way. His heart. My goodness. It is so beautiful, yall. Ok, stop reading if you don’t want to see spoilerish words! . . . . . . . . . . . Did you stop yet? . . . . . Is this far enough? . . . . . CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT ENDING NOW?!?! No ma’am! Tears. Tears are real. Book heartbreak is real. This must be fixed! I was a mess, and the sick part about it is that I love Jenson for it! She gives me all the feels and delivers with a killer story, every time!
Review #3
Audiobook Dark Skies (Dark Shores #2) by Danielle L. Jensen
*4.5 stars* This is book two in Dark Shores series but the awesome thing is that it’s not a continuation of book one. It’s a parallel story, but Lydia’s story! You can read either Dark Shores or Dark Skies first and you won’t be lost, isn’t that cool? I read them in order but I do love that each girl got their own book! My Reactions: My Attention: intrigued Report this ad World Building: this Dark Shores world is amazing – in Celendor, it is definitely inspired by Rome and the “west”. In Dark Skies we go across the Endless see into Mudamora. So it was fantastic getting to know this side of the world that believe in the power and gifts of the Six (gods that bestow gifts). Writing Style: less intense than Dark Shores, but it builds nicely into some crazy battles Bringing the Heat: where is the heat?! Ugh…my one complaint haha Crazy in Love: more like impossible love… ☹️ Creativity: I love this way of travel called the xenthier stem, touch it and you could end up somewhere unexpected, or in the case of the East, maybe entombed! But I love this world of powers, the Six, deimos and the west about to find out the East’s secrets Mood: ready for book three! Triggers: violence My Takeaway: Lydia is slowly coming into her power and Killian has so much power but is bound to an oath to protect someone else. They better have a happy ending in book three. ? What I Liked: *Teriana from Dark Shores is my girl and I loved her friendship with Lydia. But this is Lydia’s side of the story. Lydia is a scholar, who was adopted by a powerful Senator and has lived a life of privilege because of it. She and Teriana are opposites in personality. I always wanted to know what happened to Lydia and now we know…and it is definitely unexpected! Lydia is tested. She has been forced out of her protective bubble and her eyes have been opened to the world around her and her power. *I love that either Dark Skies or Dark Shores can be read first in this series. We get two perspectives that will combine in the third book and I absolutely love this format! It didn’t feel like things were too repetitive from Dark Shores since we are getting Lydia’s perspective on events that happened. *There is a lot of political intrigue happening in this story. Mudamora is ruled by King Serrick and his High Lords. This half of the world still believe in the Gods and the powers they bestow on chosen people. Lydia is from Celendor where do not believe in Gods, and who’s government is ruled by a governing body of Senators. Lydia is thrust into a conflict brewing between King Serrick, his daughter Princess Malahi and the leader of the Corrupted, Rufina. There is a power play going on at court, the Corrupted are threatening to take over their kingdom and they don’t even know the West is about to invade them as well! *Killian is trapped and has such a strong sense of honor and loyalty. I felt his struggle. He loves his family, he loves his people, he is marked by the god of war and feels an obligation to be the hero his kingdom want him to be. He may even be starting to love Lydia but…and that’s a big BUT. ? I love how he picked women warriors to guard Malahi. He has a reputation as this handsome ladies man but I saw no evidence of it, he barely even flirted! His main love is for his kingdom. *Lydia and Killian are trying to fix their mistakes, at least Killian is – Lydia is trying to get back to Celendor so she can help her best friend. In their separate personal lives, they blame themselves for events that have taken place which have meant harm to those they care about. They are both on this path to right their wrongs and yet…I get this sense the harder they try, the tighter this web taround them gets. It’s why I want these two to have a happy ending in book three. They deserve it! *I feel like this book is a drumbeat of upcoming war…you know it’s coming, the trap is being set, Mudamora is dying (there is blight on the land and water, there are monsters attacking at night, people are turning Corrupted), the tension is being pulled taut, the battle is coming, the war is coming, both East and West are about to collide (in book three) and I cannot wait to find out what is going to happen. Things That Made Me Go Hmm: *Where is the love?! Not even a kiss, a near kiss, ugh, I’m a romance lover so this killed me! Haha…the story didn’t actually need it, but oh my heart. I was just broken for these two. There is not time for their romance to build with war coming, there are paths to take, choices to make and all Killian and Lydia wants to do, is the RIGHT thing for the people they love. But I want them together so bad…it broke my heart in the end! ? *Lydia’s story is going to reveal some secrets in book three, I can feel it! And I can’t wait to see how it affects everything. Final Thoughts: I will be counting the days until book three, The Gilded Serpent, releases next year. I love this series and the characters. I love the world building, the political intrigue, and I want to see everything come together. I’m ready to see how our four characters grow and come together to defeat the enemies around them!
Review #4
Audio Dark Skies (Dark Shores #2) narrated by DeVante Johnson Stephanie Willis
I thought nothing could get better than Dark Shores and then I picked up Danielle Jensen’s Dark skies ? Oh Wow! ✨ The unique shift from book 1 and 2 is phenomenal. This is an immersive and evocative fantasy novel – truly difficult to put down! From the unique, multidimensional characters, intriguing setting, a rich world building, I loved every single moment. It took a bit to get into this parallel story (after falling in love with Teriana and Marcus’s story, I wasn’t sure I wanted to shift character POV) but Lydia and Killian’s story was fascinating and before I knew it, I was totally invested. Lydia really came out as heroic in my eyes. She went through so much in this book – From attempted assassination against her, being robbed, beaten up and then being Marked. I could not stop rooting for this girl. It isn\’t often I read about a beautiful character who wears spectacles either, and I loved that small representation. Killian is also a gorgeous character, some of his choices resulted in his disgraced status, but I love his strength, determination and his growth into his role as being marked by the God of War. I think I’ve started falling in love with him. And then there’s the hint of romantic going on between Lydia and Killian – it’s slow burning and beautiful. I loved the development between the two, and that it didn\’t overshadow the plot. Word of Warning, the ending may break you! I ugly cried! The world building in Dark Skies includes a medieval-esque setting, dark and difficult and full of gods and mythical creatures. It was easy to immerse myself within the world Overall, I thought Dark Skies was dazzlingly amazing. Romance, Intrigue, betrayals, epic battles and formidable enemies to defeat. I can\’t wait for book 3 with all 4 perspectives! My Arc is ready to dive into on my netgalley shelf ?
Review #5
Free audio Dark Skies (Dark Shores #2) – in the audio player below
Danielle Jensen is one of my favorite authors as of this year. What she writes is always so good! The pacing, the characters, the story, the ROMANCE, everything about this book was amazing. Highly recommend.