Don’t Quit in the Dip: Stay Focused on God’s Promises for You

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Don’t Quit in the Dip audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Don’t Quit in the Dip audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Don’t Quit in the Dip audiobook free

This was such a timely word for our world, especially in a season where we are all experiencing and huge dip at the same time. I was so moved by the transparency and honesty the author showed as he took us on a journey of just s few of the many dips he has faced throughout his life. As I read the book It was like Shaun was giving me permission to struggle in the dip but just not to stay the dip. His practical and applicable keys to get out of the dip both inspired me and challenged me at the same time. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has ever felt like quitting or giving up on dream because you dip in not you final destination so don’t get stuck there.


Review #2

Don’t Quit in the Dip audiobook streamming online

Look. I dont enjoy reading. Im too much of a meat head. But, LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING. The moment I opened this book, I read this bad boy cover to cover. Such a great book. Theres unprecedented wisdom that not only speaks light of Shaun, but the divine power of God and His love for us ALL. I mean, yeah, like, it just hit different when Im reading it in 2020. Feel me? Like this book really shined a light on my weaknesses, my mental and it just hit different. Biggest take away – no matter how it is, He,God, is with me when, then and to come. Always.

Great book. Honestly. Its fresher than a white tee; Im talking bout that true white! YA FEEL ME. Jesus love you fam. & Thanks, Shaun for this book. Well done!


Review #3

Audiobook Don’t Quit in the Dip by John C. Maxwell Shaun Nepstad

This book “Don’t quit in the dip” is a MONUMENTAL MUST HAVE! During these unprecedented times, we ALL need to remember to keep moving forward and NEVER give up!! The BEST is yet to come! Pastor Shaun Nepstad tells it ON POINT in “real talk” fashion how he struggled, wanted to throw in the towel, but decided to STAND TALL and persevere to the place outside of his dip. Heart-warming, funny, and full of knowledge, this book would help everyone who is starting, manovering thorough, or just about to get their head up during their dip! Get it today! You get to hear from the incredible John Maxwell who wrote the forward to this book as well. My life has changed because of THIS man and his beautiful family! I am on a whole different level after experiencing this book. You WON’T regret it!! DON’T QUIT!!!


Review #4

Audio Don’t Quit in the Dip narrated by Lewis Arlt Shaun Nepstad

As God’s timing always is, this book and its message is soul feeding! I have been a Christian for 20 years and read many great books and studies, but this book hits a level and strikes a major cord by addressing the “dip”. The dip is where seasoned Christians find themselves, but don’t like to acknowledge and speak of because we think it lessens us. This book addresses that in full transparency while being hilariously relatable ! Thank you Shaun..for sharing your journey! You have saved this hungery soul (and many others) from giving up in the dip.


Review #5

Free audio Don’t Quit in the Dip – in the audio player below

Pastor Shaun nailed it in so many ways! Perfect timing for this book to come out with so many struggling in so many ways and so many of us feeling like quitting or giving up with everything going on around us. Pastor Shaun has inspired me within the first few chapters already. I cant wait to get deeper into the book!! Ive highlighted so much in my book to remind me of just how Im feeling right now and words that resonate with me in this time. Dont Quit, Dont Give Up…
as Pastor Shaun always says
Choices Lead, Feelings Follow…..

Thank You, Thank You for sharing your story and inspiring so many.
Im so excited to lead my small group in this journey as we the church dig deep in the book Dont Quit N The Dip
written by the one and only
Pastor Shaun Nepstad
If Youre Not Dead, Gods Not Done


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