Eliza Starts a Rumor audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Eliza Starts a Rumor audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Eliza Starts a Rumor audiobook free
I wanted a self indulgent weekend and this second book from Jane Rosen was a perfect way to do it. A community of smart and strong women, all facing challenging issues, overlap beautifully in this book. One rumor starts a cascading series of events where each woman is challenged and thus becomes stronger for it. I fully enjoyed it and look forward to some time in the future when Jane Rosen puts out another book for me to plan another self indulgent weekend!
Review #2
Eliza Starts a Rumor audiobook streamming online
The book itself was good but do yourself a favor and skip the audible version. The narrator ruined this book, and it was painful to listen to her awful narration. Im not that picky and Ive never left a review, but it was seriously AWFUL!
Review #3
Audiobook Eliza Starts a Rumor by Jane L. Rosen
Eliza Starts a Rumor by Jane L. Rosen is the story of a middle-aged wife and mom that is suffering from agoraphobia, but also intense boredom now that her kids have grown and moved on to college. When her children were younger she started a message board called The Hudson Valley Ladies\’ Bulletin Board, but over the years the women have gotten older and the board has become a bit stale. Eliza overhears some younger women discussing a new \’hipper\’ message board and becomes intrigued. She checks out the board and desperately wants to start a trending topic, one that receives a lot of attention with tons of responses. Problem is that she lives a boring life. So what does one do in that situation, well if you\’re Eliza, you make up a salacious story to go along with what you think you see going on at the house next door from out your window. This is a problem because what you think you see is actually pretty close to the truth and there are real people behind these actions that the rumors hurt and cause immense problems for all involved. Aside from the rumor, and the mess it causes, there are wonderful stories of friendship in this book, one a long deep one, others that are new. There are also deeply buried hurts that come to light and a lot of support from these friendships. Overall, this book held my attention and I genuinely liked the characters and cared for their situations.
Review #4
Audio Eliza Starts a Rumor narrated by Lisa Flanagan
…One Black Dress This is a very different book and Im afraid I found it pretty silly.
Review #5
Free audio Eliza Starts a Rumor – in the audio player below
This was a pleasant story – pretty much a beach read – to reset my mood after finishing a few heavier books. It flew by and the performance made it easy to follow. TW: There is mention (but not graphic description) of sexual assault.