Stinger audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Stinger audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Stinger audiobook free
I enjoyed this book, but it didn\’t wow me, thus the 3 to 3.5 stars. Where to start? Well, first, I did like the characters Carson and Grace. I did enjoy the first 40% of the book, even if it seemed kind of familiar in story line to another book I had just read. However, this book was written better and I enjoyed it more, even if I found myself thinking it would take a LOT for me to spend a weekend with a porn star, even one only a few movies into his career. All I could think was ewwww. Now, after the 40% mark, Carson and Grace initially part ways, and it seemed like we started a new book. I like how both Carson and Grace have impacted one another in such a short time that they both decide to make a few changes. I think some people can truly impact each other in this manner, so I found all of this to be quite endearing. We see a few key happenings in Carson and Grace\’s lives until we see them almost 5-years later when they are reunited unexpectedly, and both are now living in Vegas. I enjoyed the story behind their reunion, how all of that unfolds, and we see that Carson has become the person he wanted to be, rather than the person he thought he was destined to be. Grace is also happy, and it turns out their jobs are responsible for bringing them together again. This was a sweet story, overall, and as I already mentioned, I enjoyed it, but just wasn\’t blown away by it. I really liked the Leo books, and will most definitely be picking up Archer eventually. Entertaining and very well written for the most part when compared to other indie books. I think one reason I wasn\’t wowed by this was because I did feel a few of the pivotal props in the book were familiar, as well as part of the story line in the first part of the book. I think if an elevator, sunrises, and a charm bracelet would have been avoided, I would have found it to be a bit more original. I think the author did a good job of taking these props and trying to make them her own within the story, but I think these things are so familiar to fans of FSoG, that it is impossible to use them within a story and not have a reader think of the very popular book they read that used these same props and left an endelible mark in our mind\’s eyes. Just my opinion. [Spoilers] It hit me a couple of days after I originally posted this review why this story didn\’t quite wow me. I think it was a lofty goal to take someone who starts out as a porn star, who has little regard for himself, and turn him into this very noble person who risks life an limb to squelch the sex trafficking in the US, specifically Vegas. For the most part, I think the author was successful, because we saw there really was a caring soul under Carson\’s mask when we originally met him. And quite honestly, I truly do not believe porn stars are horrible people. Where I think it went off the rails a bit for me was that it became a bit too deep and preachy compared to the rest of the book? I am not sure I can really explain what I mean precisely. I think the scene with Grace in the hotel room on the 45th floor toward the end was what pushed it into that preachy territory for me. I could have done without that entire scene, honestly. I think it is great to bring topics that are newsworthy into books, and I have enjoyed stories where characters battle mental illness or other such subject, it really can go a bit overboard or not sound believable. Plus, it can sometimes seem a bit heavy of a subject compared to the tone of the rest of the book. That is something else, I mean, I would say the part of the book where Carson and Grace first meet is flirty and light hearted, whereas the rest of the book turns a bit more serious, and I am not sure I was enjoying the darker subject amongst the light hearted nature of Carson and Grace\’s relationship. Because, their lightness, banter and playfulness didn\’t darken or get more serious, really, even if the plot did. Hope this makes sense to those of you who have read it.
Review #2
Stinger audiobook streamming online
Reading a Mia Sheridan has its risks. As a reader, you have to be prepared to feel something powerful. I picked up Seek because I heard it was the authors entre into romantic suspense. It was a good read, but at the end, a charismatic and enigmatic character makes an unexpected appearance, Carson Stinger. I was intrigued enough to seek out his book, STINGER. Boy, I am glad I did. I love the premise a straight-laced law student, Grace, meets a handsome stranger, Carson, on the elevator while attending a legal conference in Las Vegas. Sparks fly but she soon learns that he is attending his own conference at the same hotel for adult entertainment. He is a Straight Male Performer. Despite their differences, they make an honest and profound connection, but it is an impossible relationship. It is so easy to fall into the story because the characters are so likable and the author spends a good amount of time developing this relationship even though it takes place only over a few days. More than just the physical attraction (although there is plenty of that), both characters force each other to confront the fake personas they live in the world. With each other, they are allowed to be real. The authentic interactions are completely relatable and therefore, the divide that separates them feels frustrating and hopeless. How they manage to be together years later is soul-satisfying, but it would be less so without the genuinely romantic start. This book makes me happy.
Review #3
Audiobook Stinger by Mia Sheridan
I really liked Stinger by Mia Sheridan, and once you read it you will realize why. The main characters in the book, Grace Hamilton and Carson Stinger could not be any different than they are! However the saying opposites attract is obvious in the way these two interact in just a weekend\’s time. Grace is very dependable, and she is studying in college to become a corporate lawyer. Grace is young, beautiful, and since her mother died when she was young, her main purpose in life was to strive to make her dad proud of her. She has gone to a Lawyer Convention in Las Vegas, when we meet her in the book. Grace has a plan for her whole life, and how it will be; until she meets Carson Stinger. Carson Stinger is also at the hotel Grace checked into and he is there for a convention also-An Adult Entertainment Industry Convention, and his attendance is wanted as he is a male actor in porn movies. He has no plan in his life, he does not worry about what anyone thinks and he lives his life day by day. Carso is stunned when Grace runs into him accidentally and he feels a strange connection to her-as does she to him. Can two people from two very different walks of life actually ever be able to be together? Read this book ad find out. I loved how they met, what it takes for them actually to find each other again a few years later and so much has changed. Mia Sheridan has a way with words that keep you thinking about all of her books long after you have read them. I gave this book 5 evocative stars, because like me, I think you will be thinking about this book long after you read it!
Review #4
Audio Stinger narrated by Brian Pallino Maxine Mitchell
Finally got to carry on with this book and finish..real life in the way! lol I really enjoyed this book. You had the heroine, Grace, with a plan and would not divert off it at all…that is until she meets Carson the time a porn star! They\’re first encounter is not the greatest and definitely provides a few laughs! There is then the chemistry between them which is off the charts HOT! Making Grace forget her plan altogether…. I really enjoyed the story, it showed how no matter what when two people are meant for each other no amount of distance or time will get in the way. Grace and Carson proved this completely! I don\’t want to give any spoilers but suffice to say this book is definitely worth the read! It\’s quite emotional in some parts but has humour too and some pretty HOT steamy parts! The second part of the book covers a pretty tough subject too and focuses on the seriousness of it. It was quite hard to read in some parts especially knowing that even though this is just fiction it really does happen in real life too. I think Mia covered this well. A great book and well worth reading!
Review #5
Free audio Stinger – in the audio player below
All nice and dandy, I liked the plot, the details and the emotions it stirred, all until Carson with his big dick kept on growing into this brave hero character with unswerving probity that would shadow even the mighty John McClane with his five Die Hard series. I couldn\’t stay as connected to the characters towards the end of the book. Might be a man thing- perceiving Carson as a man hard to match …