Endlessly (Paranormalcy #3)

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Endlessly (Paranormalcy #3) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Endlessly (Paranormalcy #3) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Endlessly (Paranormalcy #3) audiobook free

I give this the same as book 2 3.5 stars. although more action in this one. I liked most of the characters I just did not really vibe with any of them. I felt disconnected with them all. There really is nothing wrong with this series it just was not my fav. The ending I guessed right away and it was not as exciting as I would have liked but Evie did grow a little and she did have a good heart, but the love story with her and Lend just wasn’t there.. recommend to fey, paranormal, werewolves, Vampires and elements if you like theses kind of series.. Gina Clabo
This one Evie had to help open a gate only she could open to save all the paranormal which the Dark fey Queen and her sister the White fey Queen fought about one tried to stop her while the other helped her..


Review #2

Endlessly (Paranormalcy #3) audiobook streamming online

HarperTeen does this thing where they let people read the first seventy-or-so pages of an upcoming new release online — in order to whet our appetites and boost sales. When I first get notice in my email about these deals, I LOVE HarperTeen.

But when I hit the end of the sample… Boo HarperTeen! It’s almost torture to get so far into a story only to have to wait for release day! Because I’m such a Kiersten White fan girl, I’ve begun all of her books this way. So last week some time I was exactly 80 pages into Endlessly, the third and final book in the Paranormalcy trilogy, and craving more. Needless to say, when my book arrived the afternoon of July24th (Happy Pioneer Day to me!), I gobbled it up.

The first book redefined my expectations for the paranormal genre. The middle book served its purpose as a bridge, but left me wanting so much more of Lend, Reth, and Evie. But this last book…

It fulfilled all the promises of the story. It’s superb! It’s exciting and epic and well-crafted. I never could have imagined it would end the way it did. Somehow all the loose ends I’d been worrying about throughout the series got tied off in a gorgeous, complicated bow.

It’s one of those endings that delivers exactly what you didn’t know you were hoping for all along.

As in the first and second books, Evie’s voice is endearing and funny. The theme of being true to yourself and not allowing yourself to be absorbed in someone else was as striking as ever as Reth – the gorgeous golden trickster – continues to guide Evie as best he can toward the choice he believes is best. In a moment of exasperation, he says, “You take a tremendous amount of leading to make the correct choices.”

Reth’s story arc was surprising to me, as we are given to understand the fey are eternal and changeless. Shallow, scary Jack’s transformation, too, was unexpected and satisfying.

Reading this last book was for me like spending time with old friends. The humor, sarcasm, and wit in each character’s unique voice made this book a pleasure, and the spot-on pacing made it unputdownable.

I highly recommend this trilogy to anyone, but especially teen readers who love all things paranormal. They’ll find a feast of magic in Paranormalcy, Supernaturally, and now Endlessly.

Happy Reading! (also posted on Afterglow Book Reviews)


Review #3

Audiobook Endlessly (Paranormalcy #3) by Kiersten White

All Evie wants is to be a normal teenage girl, and she is. That is, if normal means your best friend is mermaid, your semi-mom is the head of an secret government organization, and your job includes bagging and tagging vamps, werewolves, fairies, and the other paranormal creaturesthen yup shes as normal as they come!

Evie has a special ability to be able to see through any paranormal glamour, and therefore is a huge asset to the ICPA (International Center for Paranormal Activity). Her adoptive mom, Raquel, is the director of this super-secret government organization and therefore usually keeps Evie at arms length. But that doesnt deter Evie from being a happy, perky, normal teenager! When she isnt bagging and tagging vamps with her trusty sparkly pink taser Tasey, she can be found browsing the internet for zebra striped dresses and awesome pink boots or watching her favorite teen soap opera Easton Heights, which is where she learns how normal teenagers act.

Yup Evie has a great life.until a mysterious paranormal boy breaks into the compound and gives Evie a taste of what a real life could look like and makes Evie begin to question her normal life, and discovers shes not as normal as she would like

What can I say negative about this series? Almost nothing! Kirsten White has done a superb job at weaving together such an enjoyable story! Evie is the most kick-A protagonist, I love being inside her head so much that it makes me want to wear pink!

1. There was actually a lot of character building in this series that I really loved. Lend seems to shake up some of the things that Evie always took for granted as truths. But instead of throwing a fit and just refusing to believe what he says, Evie actually thinks it over, and then investigates the facts to find out the truth. When shes proven wrong, she actually decides to change her point of view. There are also a lot of experiences that changes Evies view of paranormals such as befriending her vamp friend, Adriana.
2. The romance connection between Lend and Evie is so sweet and innocent. It really brings you back to when you had your first crush, or first kiss, and the excitement you felt in that moment. But I also love that Evie and Lends relationship matures throughout the series. They learn how to trust one another, support one another, and just learn how to love each other better throughout the series. (Although I wouldnt have minded more Lend and Evie time in all the books!)

1. While there arent many cons to this series, I have to admit that out of all three books, the third, Endlessly, was my least favorite. There wasnt a lot of relationship development in this book and it seemed to drag along a little bit in the middle. I felt like the author spent a little bit too much time in faerie lore/history and not enough time focusing on Evie and her future. The opening-the-portal moment, Evies destiny, seemed to drag on until I was thinking just get it over with already!
2. I also feel like the ending (not going to give any spoilers dont worry!) left me wanting. Maybe if there was an epilogue or a couple more chapters to wrap the whole story of Lend and Evelyn, I would have been happier.

So overall, the story was great, the plot moved along nicely (for the most part) and there was some great character development/ relationship maturity in this series that I enjoyed. The last book seemed to drag on a bit and left me wanting more, but still was tolerable. I loved being able to slip into the teenage mind of Evie, and be able to find joy in the simplest of things again, like owning a locker or wearing anything pink and sparkly. The book was wildly entertaining and just downright fun! Thanks Kirsten White on a great read!



Review #4

Audio Endlessly (Paranormalcy #3) narrated by Emily Eiden

I’m so sad this series ended, I’ve gotten rather attached to it. It’s a fun, easy read and features a heroine with the rarest quality in the whole YA genre : a sense of humour. I love Evie, she’s determined, passionate and has a bank of witty remarks for every possible situation. Her and Lend have one of the fluffiest relationships I’ve ever read. Fluffy in a good way, that is. Their dialogue is wonderfully light and humorous but also serious when it needs to be, making them a very realistic couple that you can’t help but root for. Bleep, I’ll miss them so much.

In Endlessly, Evie and her friends face their toughest challenge yet. Evie is racing against the clock to find a way to send the paranormals back to their own world. It’s made even harder by the IPCA who will do anything they can to stop her. What I loved most about Evie in this book is that she refuses to be anyone’s puppet. After being used by the IPCA and the faeries for so long she is now her own person ; anything she chooses to do now is off her own back and on her own terms. I know people were complaining that she was unreasonable by refusing to open the gate but I was glad that she eventually chose to do it because she wanted to and not because someone told her to.

I could really feel the frustration Lend and Evie had about his immortality. I never could figure out which direction that would take since the plot was moving so fast and at times felt they were fighting a hopeless situation. I glad how it worked out though, it wasn’t what I had expected but I’m happy with it.

Reth, oh Reth. I could never figure out how to feel about him. There were times I wanted to smack him over the head with a baseball bat and other times I wanted nothing more than to hug him and never let go. I think he was the most developed character in Endlessly. He was crafty, caring, sly, pitiful, heartbreaking, entertaining, untrustworthy, reliable but most all very sweet. Reth fans will be very happy with his appearance in this book. I know I was.

Now here’s the thing. I’m only giving this book 4 stars. Crazy, I know, but something bothered me so much that I had to dock a whole star. Let me explain. Imagine a person who you though was your friend deceived you repeatedly in the most terrible ways, tried to force you to do things you didn’t want to, had you beaten, then left you die in the literal blackness of your own personal hell. Would you forgive them easily – or at all ? Probably not. Yet that is exactly what happened between Evie and Jack. She forgives him after, like, 10 minutes. I kid you not. He tried to MURDER her yet she behaves as if nothing of the sort happened, let’s Jack be around people she loves even though he has such a psychopathic streak. That’s just so unbelievable. People don’t just forgive and start trusting the person who tried to kill them. And his excuse was unexceptable :

“I was just so mad at you. And, you know, sometimes when I get mad, I do stupid things”

No. No. NO ! It doesn’t matter how mad you get at someone, it DOES NOT justify attempted murder. I was so angry that Evie just accepted Jack and his pathetic apology back into her life. What the hell was that about ? Grrr.

Anyway, apart from that one major fail, Endlessly was a very entertaining read and a fantastic close to the Paranormalcy series. The bittersweet ending was perfect and left me with a sort of happy, satisfied feeling. I’m glad I took the time to read these wonderful books.


Review #5

Free audio Endlessly (Paranormalcy #3) – in the audio player below

I loved this series of books I will only read books now if I can get them in a set so I don’t have to wait around for the next chapter. Highly recommended if you like this genre, easy to read difficult to put down. Am over the moon that they are now making it into a movie.


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