False Alarm

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False Alarm audiobook

Hi, are you looking for False Alarm audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

False Alarm audiobook free

I\’ve been a fan of Danish author Bjorn Lomborg since he released The Skeptical Environmentalist in 2001. FALSE ALARM is the latest in his series of books on environmental topics. His two part message is (1) the earth\’s atmosphere is warming due to the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide and (2) we must deal with it without alarmism. He makes the scientific case that the Paris Climate Accords would have almost no effect even if every country meets its CO2 reduction targets. Likewise he makes the case that that panic is unjustified and counterproductive. Lomborg goes into great detail of his multifaceted plan to deal with the effects of global warming. Lomborg is not a climate change denier. It is refreshing to have an expert like Lomborg agreeing that global warming caused by CO2 is real and offering real world solutions to the problem. He also demonstrates using IPCC data that the solutions preferred by world governments will not resolve the problem butt will cause horrid economic issues especially for all but the richest countries. False Alarm should be required reading in high schools worldwide. The English edition of this book uses Fahrenheit rather than Centigrade temperatures for his American audience. I very, very strongly recommend False Alarm for everyone. It is a very important book. 22 people found this helpful


Review #2

False Alarm audiobook streamming online

Finally, a rational, explicit, factual examination of the climate problem without denying that it is a problem but also without panicked exaggeration! This topic is so heated, so politically divisive that it seems we will never come to an agreement that will protect the environment and those of us who live within it. THIS, THIS, THIS book contains the answers, the compromise, the science that (ought to) bring all of us together. Regardless of what your personal political view, the science here is undeniable. You will hear things that make you uncomfortable – facts always do – but you will hear far more that gives you optimism! There are valuable things each of us can do, right now, TODAY, without costing a fortune or forcing us to give up our creature comforts. READ THIS BOOK RIGHT NOW! 8 people found this helpful


Review #3

Audiobook False Alarm by Bjorn Lomborg

I enjoyed the book and gleaned a lot of insight into what reality vs fiction are. The book should be a 5 for the data alone. Unfortunately Bjorn has the same problem Steve Pinker does. They both like to arbitrarily declare things problems right after they explain why it’s really not. Very frustrating Nicky P freemarketsgreenearth.com 7 people found this helpful


Review #4

Audio False Alarm narrated by Jim Seybert

in every high school and college econ and environmental science course. Common sensical risk analysis without hype or political parrtisanship. 5 people found this helpful


Review #5

Free audio False Alarm – in the audio player below

Lomborg\’s review of current climate policies and news stories is enlightening. I have been very skeptical about the media\’s reporting of almost everything for the past decade related to the environment especially as I have seen them significantly misreport environmental water science, a field in which I am expert. So to have a well documented book (along with his book \”Cool It\”) is a gift. Thank you Mr. Lomborg 4 people found this helpful


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