For Love of Mother-Not audiobook
Hi, are you looking for For Love of Mother-Not audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
For Love of Mother-Not audiobook free
Book number one of a fifteen book space opera series with psi. I reread the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Del Rey in 1987. In fact, I even bought a new copy to acknowledge ADF. I have all of the books in the series and and buying a couple of new ones for grins. ADF wrote this book to expand on Flinx\’s back story after the fifth book in the series and it is a great story. Obvious, it is somewhat inspired by the awesome \”Citizen Of The Galaxy\” by Robert Heinlein which is fine by me. And then it goes into a totally different direction with the Alaspian mini-dragon Pip and Flinx\’s intermittent psi talent.
Review #2
For Love of Mother-Not audiobook in series Pip & Flinx (chronological order)
This book covers Flinx\’s childhood and how he was adopted by Mother Mastiff. The boy seems to have a few unusual abilities and a very mysterious background. As he reaches his teenage years, he acquires a mini dragon from a alien planet who he names Pip. This is fortuitous as Pip enhances Flinx\’s empathy and protects him when the chips are down. His 16th year is a danger filled adventure. Now with all of this, chronologically For Love Of Mother Not is the first book and the Tar-aiym Kang (supposed to be book one) is truly Book Two as it picks up with Flinx being 17 years old and more in control of his self. I am very glad I bought the first two books together as I particularly prefer to read my series in order. This looks to be a Sci-fi series that would appeal to anyone who had a fondness for the Harry Potter books, both adult and child.
Review #3
Audiobook For Love of Mother-Not by Alan Dean Foster
I liked this old fashioned adventure story. Flinx is a very likeable, decent young man. His pet Pip, is a minidrag whom he loves dearly. The pet feels the same for him, as pets do, but this one is immensely powerful and deadly. They hold off baddies who definitely mean Flinx harm but he never gets the details, there\’s never time. His adoptive mother bought the child from the delightful gov\’t who thinks selling people only helps them when they can\’t help themselves. Mother Not gives him a wonderful childhood filled with love, guidance and lots of freedom in a poor, marketplace on a backwater planet. As he comes of age, everything changes and the adventure begins.
Review #4
Audio For Love of Mother-Not narrated by Stefan Rudnicki
I\’ve read this book many times. This is one of my favorite authors and I have all of his Flinx novels on my kindle and in book form. I also have many of his other titles but these are some of my favorites. I enjoy Mother Mastiff, she reminds me a bit of my own mother. Flinx is endearing and his view of the world and the hope he carries for his future keeps me rooting for him and wanting more. Excellent book.
Review #5
Free audio For Love of Mother-Not – in the audio player below
In the late 80s I moved away from science fiction and dived into horror. Now in my 50s I find myself reading more and more science fiction again. When I saw this offered up for free I jumped at rereading a book and author I loved so much in my youth. I found that the book has held up very well with the passage of time, perhaps it was edited but either way it certainly is a great book. What\’s more I find that Mr. Foster has expanded the Pip and Flinx series in my absence. I have added the the next book (story wise) to my wish list. If you\’ve never read Foster this is a good one to start with and if you have already read some of his books why are you reading this? Go get another one from one of the genre masters.