At the Reunion Buffet audiobook
Hi, are you looking for At the Reunion Buffet audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
At the Reunion Buffet audiobook free
“…class reunions should not be marred by feelings of jealousy or triumph; should not be, yes, but she suspected that they often were. Class reunions were about curiosity; about satisfaction at the avoidance of the mistakes of one’s contemporaries, now revealed in their emerging life histories; about reflecting on the ravages – and injustices – of time; and of realising, perhaps, how strange and random are the twists and turns of fate” At The Reunion Buffet is an Isabel Dalhousie short story by Alexander McCall Smith. Isabel is hosting the inaugural party for her class reunion, and naturally, thoughts turn to certain classmates: the promiscuous girl and the bully in particular. As always, Isabel endeavours to be charitable when others are less so: “Tolerance: that was what was needed for class reunions, just as it was for everything else we did. Tolerance was like one of those soothing creams – it drew out inflammation, it did away with the pain”. But when she manages to facilitate the giving of mercy and forgiveness, she later wonders if she has been misled. And if it actually matters anyway. Another delightful dose of Dalhousie feelgood.
Review #2
At the Reunion Buffet audiobook in series Isabel Dalhousie
I am a huge fan of Alexander McCall Smith and read almost all fiction that he publishes. This short novel is more a thought process about long-forgotten relationships of one\’s school years, than being a comprehensive plot line, as in other Isabel Dalhousie, psychological sleuthing tales. Somehow, this story falls short. It seems as if it\’s only a few chapters of a potentially, full storyline. In this tale, Isabel finds herself as hostess of a class reunion. It is a weekend gathering of long lost, some removed from her life on purpose, \’friends\’ and classmates. Any reader who\’s been to any school can relate to the theme. During the process of organizing the guest list, menu, wait staff and seating plans, there exists an ominous threat of opening up old social wounds, especially about a very unpopular girl, a former class bully. But was she really the bully of long ago? Isabel is determined to find our and right the wrongs, if at all possible. I did enjoy the characters, all of whom any reader could recognize from one\’s own life, even though I was somewhat confused by the dupe of a reunion participant who seemingly arrives to seek apology for past, wrong-doings. As usual, Isabel behaves in her most respectable best manner, trying to exert fairness and wisdom, upon a potentially disastrous gathering, as it can be with a group of women who bring to the luncheon table, a host of past grievances and unfinished business. As a McCall Smith fan, you might enjoy this read but it\’s not as fully-developed in character development or plot, as his other works. It\’s a classical meander through the minds of women who somehow are wont to change the course of relationships, based on emotion rather than facts.
Review #3
Audiobook At the Reunion Buffet by Alexander McCall Smith
Alexander McCall Smith never disappoints! How he can write and write these series he has going and do one offs that are not part of a series I will never understand. He is really prolific! I love the Isobel Dalhousie series partially because it is in Edinburgh which is a really great city. I love to visit there and use it as a jumping off place to travel all over Scotland. This story is interesting to me because I despise reunions! I think college was not that great a time in my life so I am happy to leave it and the people from that time behind! I do still have some friends from college, but they also are not interested in reunions. I went to a high school reunion once and found I had nothing in common with the people there and my main friend from that time and I have been friends many years. Since she lives 30 minutes away we never needed a reunion to see each other. I liked this story because Isobel has a unique way of looking at life and dealing with people that is interesting. I learn a lot from her character and always look forward to this series and a new book!
Review #4
Audio At the Reunion Buffet narrated by Davina Porter
As usual, Alexander McCall Smiths book, \”At The Reunion Buffet\” was excellent, as have been every one of his previous books in this series and all of those in other series. Isabel Dalhousie has a philosopher\’s mind and always approaches problems in that vein. This in turn leads to some unusual discoveries and outcomes, that one does not expect. Mr. Smith\’s books are written with great wit, intelligence and a strong understanding of the human psyche. This is what engages a person in his mastermind stories and plots. At the same time, he always makes the incidents appear as if they just happen in the everyday life of the main character and are dealt with as logically as possible. The story revolves around Isabel and the girls who graduated with her from high school 20 years ago, thus a reunion is in order. It is (as are most class reunions) rife with the memories dalliances and wrongdoings of specific classmates.It is because of much gossip regarding one classmates activities in high school, that some of the girls revert to their catty ways of the past. Therefore Isabel must do some sleuthing to find out the \”true\” story. I highly recommend this book!
Review #5
Free audio At the Reunion Buffet – in the audio player below
I don\’t think AMS can write someting which I do not like. In his gentle ruminative way he forces me to think twice about big issues, and makes me cuckle about his off-hand jokes. Delightful