Genie in a Bottle (Whatever After #9) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Genie in a Bottle (Whatever After #9) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Genie in a Bottle (Whatever After #9) audiobook free
My daughter is 12 and asked for the entire Whatever After series for Christmas. I love these books for her. She can\’t put them down. She tells me all the things that go on in her book and she is just extremely exited about them and she\’s not an avid reader so I\’m thankful that it holds her interest! They don\’t follow a typical storyline for the actual title of the books (like we used to read) which is also good fun for her to learn some new things about older fashioned characters we all learned about growing up! Would definitely recommend this entire series for anyone with a love for fairy tails!
Review #2
Genie in a Bottle (Whatever After #9) audiobook in series Whatever After
My 10 year old daughter is obsessed with these books! They have fantasy and humor! This author is so witty! And these books entertain my daughter and has her reading them in days because she cant put it down!!!
Review #3
Audiobook Genie in a Bottle (Whatever After #9) by Sarah Mlynowski
My niece who is 11 loves this series, a little magical fun, not scary or weird and she looks forward to reading in a world of iPads etc
Review #4
Audio Genie in a Bottle (Whatever After #9) narrated by Emily Eiden
My daughter absolutely loves this series. I\’m always so excited when I see a new one has come out, and order it right away. I used to reserve them at the library, but the wait is so long that she gets disappointed! It\’s worth the splurge to pay full price for these. My daughter is 11 and finds the stories interesting and fun. She\’s always looking forward to what is going to happen next.
Review #5
Free audio Genie in a Bottle (Whatever After #9) – in the audio player below
My 8 year old and I have read every Whatever After book out. Even though this one just came out today, she as usual of this series, begged me to read the entire book tonight. Genie in a bottle did not disappoint in anyway an kept her inattentive self engaged as a listener. (A challenging feet normally) I don\’t really want to give away anything since the plot twists are part of the entertainment but I will say this author definitely does her homework on this fairytale. There are so so so many versions and she seamlessly intertwined them into a very original and occasionally funny book. I like that she can target multiple audiences with her books. As a mother sometimes series books can get predictable in their layouts but not nearly as much with Ms. Mlynowski\’s book. I even find myself waiting for the next book to come out….curious to know more about the mysterious Maryrose. What exactly is her curse? How did the mirror get into the basement? Will she always be trapped in the mirror? I have some hunches but nothing conclusive so while my child awaits book #10 Sugar and Spice, I too will be left wanting more. One of the best signs of a good book in my opinion is not wanting the story to end.