Getting to Center: Pathways to Finding Yourself Within the Great Unknown

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Getting to Center: Pathways to Finding Yourself Within the Great Unknown audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Getting to Center: Pathways to Finding Yourself Within the Great Unknown audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Getting to Center: Pathways to Finding Yourself Within the Great Unknown audiobook free

“I love this book so much, I could eat it” —literally what I said to my friend last night as I’m mid-second read of Getting to Center. It feels very kind & soft as it walks through many hard truths—endings suck and they are inevitable, surrendering to the unknown is scary, learning how to love yourself is challenging BUT it is a much better option than not loving yourself for the rest of your life. This is an affirming– yes, recentering– thing to read. Which is why I’m on my second read. I love. So much.– The most life-changing (if you’ll let it be) piece from this is in the concept of Daily Practices (Things to Return To.) Once starting these, it is clear how desperately I’ve been needing them. Morning reading or writing, morning walks, exercise, etc. Going without them for a few days leaves me craving them again. Just naming them in the first place (making a list) made them something I could return to at all— they’re not goals, they’re not even for self-improvement. They’re the crucial daily tending of my own mind/soul/body. We do so many mundane, obligatory, or even stupid/uneccesary things with our time every day. Doing these rituals is NOT trite or small or inconsequential. Really, nothing could be more consequential than the reformation of our daily habits.— thank you Marlee! You really brought this home for me in a way I hadn’t understood before. Love u


Review #2

Getting to Center: Pathways to Finding Yourself Within the Great Unknown audiobook streamming online

I think it says quite a bit that, while still not quite finished with this book, Ive already purchased three additional copies for gifts this holiday season and will probably ship one more directly to an internet friend.

This is the book I needed now. In the tumultuous eye-opening year weve all had, where personally Ive felt like questioning my whole past, present, and future, Marlee has written a book that not only soothes the reader but challenges them in an uplifting and truly caring way.

If you are a thirty something year old person who questions your relationship with the internet (love/hate/burnt out/inspired), is sober from anaything, creates things or wants to create things, and has Virgo in your charts, youll adore this book as much as I did. If you are any one else, its highly likely you will take many wonderful things from it as well.

My copy is highlighted and underlined with purple and grey pens. There are pink page flags everywhere. Its a possession that brings me great joy & will probably be re-read and loved until it starts to fall apart. Im so grateful for Marlee and the time that this release occurred. I look forward to her next creation.


Review #3

Audiobook Getting to Center: Pathways to Finding Yourself Within the Great Unknown by Marlee Grace

This is a very sweet, loving, quirky little book with a lot of gems inside. As Marlee Grace says at one point in the book, every ugly rock is beautiful inside. But then again, no rocks are ugly, because they are from nature. But the point remains that everything has its own inner sparkle.

I really liked the affectionate, stream of consciousness writing here. I first have to point out that this book contains a lot of stuff that might be considered “woo.” I for one am not the person who would go about creating an altar with a tarot card and essential oil, or spend time thinking about Mercury retrograde. BUT, that is okay….because these practices are parts of larger themes of the book that are valuable for everyone. Also, Grace is not asking you to do these things or accept her same beliefs, but simply sharing a wealth of fun things that have helped her find her center. Amidst each chapter there are some really lovely revelations. I think the book is at its best and most moving when talking about Grace’s coming out, which is presented in a way that relates to the theme of the book, and is very genuine and real. I also love all the creative themes and practices in the book. Among the chapters are gems such as “I don’t have writers’ block; I have ‘sitting down to write’ block” (me too) and “Belief clings, but faith lets go.”

Like her Instagram, the book has the feeling of an old soul much wiser than her years. I like some of her somewhat radical ideas, like the fact that it is not bad for socially conscious people to make a “shit ton of money” (she points out that you can redistribute this in ways that help causes and people that are important to you, and bring ease to yourself) and the idea that marginalized folks can create their own ease and access in the world. Even the ideas I did not identify with (see the aforementioned tarot card altar, and protection spells) were fun to read about.

Another thing I thought was really cool was her emphasis on practice — including thinking about practicing after your practice, and thinking about practicing before your practice. This is useful to think of in her context as a ballerina but can really apply to anything in your life. Coincidentally I am also reading a book on neuroplasticity – there have been studies where people just THINK about doing an action (such as running, jumping, or completing a task) and monitoring doctors have observed that the parts of their brain light up as if they are actually doing that task. So Grace is really onto something here and science supports her theory that thinking about and envisioning your practice is also a form of practice.

If you can keep an open mind, this is a unique and interesting escape into a creative and interesting mind. A fast and rejuvenating read which I read in one sitting. I have not read “How to Not Always Be Working,” but I want to now.

Many thanks to Harper Collins, Marlee Grace and NetGalley for the advance copy of this quirky and sweet read.


Review #4

Audio Getting to Center: Pathways to Finding Yourself Within the Great Unknown narrated by Marlee Grace

I received an advanced copy of this book so it will not show as verified purchase. Listen: Marlee is magic. She is the exact right balance between serving you hard truths you need hear and the gentle soft place to land as you do. The idea of a balanced life, a balanced diet, a balanced whatever is a ridiculous myth that keeps so many of us searching for some magical inflection point where it all lines up; this is a book about giving up the struggle to find some elusive place and work to find our center instead. Its a breathtaking, usable guide from someone who isnt preaching from the pulpit of ive figured it all out heres the map but rather someone who understands the reality and pure minutiae that is finding our own unique path to kinder, more fulfilling, sweeter lives.


Review #5

Free audio Getting to Center: Pathways to Finding Yourself Within the Great Unknown – in the audio player below

Marlee Grace seamlessly displays her own struggles with addiction, divorce, and other daily conflicts by connecting with her audience on a deeper level. She maps out all the little things getting in our way and how to push through even in the hardest times. In attempts to better herself and others, Marlee accurately portrays herself in a way we all can relate to, being real and vulnerable. This book sheds light on the darkest moments and makes them your greatest blessings. Im forever grateful for this creation.


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