The Thursday Murder Club audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Thursday Murder Club audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Thursday Murder Club audiobook free
I read so many mentions of The Thursday Murder Club being brilliant and hilarious that I began to wonder. For one thing, humor is probably the most subjective form of writing there is. For another, I always get nervous when the hype about any book begins to pile up. I almost changed my mind about reading it but decided to go against my better judgment. The premise is fantastic. Four old folks who have all their marbles and are able to get out and about with no problem, who meet once a week to solve cold cases. What’s not to like? The four– a nurse, a spy, a psychiatrist, and a professional protester– all bring their special skills and considerable intellect to the table, and they also get to help educate a detective constable who’s new to the area. There are poignant moments concerning growing old, death, and grief scattered throughout the book; this book is about more than your typical mystery. I did find myself smiling from time to time as I read some witticism, but at a quarter of the way through the book, that sort of humor seemed to vanish. I also didn’t feel comfortable with a detective chief inspector working with anyone outside law enforcement so closely. The Thursday Murder Club also suffered from one or two first-timer mistakes. First, the mystery solving seemed to vanish occasionally because the author was so enamored of his characters he forgot about the story and just wanted to spend time with them. Yes, they’re interesting characters, but please don’t forget why they’re there in the first place. Second, I found the mystery confusing. Too many bodies piled up. Too many killers were hauled out of the shadows. Motives were flying around like bats pouring out of a cave at dusk. It takes a lot for me to become confused when reading a mystery, and I have to admit that I lost the plot a few times. I finally got to the point where I was reading just to get it over with, and that’s not good. As much as I wanted to enjoy The Thursday Murder Club, I did not, but since so much of the enjoyment hinges on humor (and as I said before, humor is so subjective), your mileage may definitely vary.
Review #2
The Thursday Murder Club audiobook streamming online
From the standpoint of my expectations of quasi-believability when it comes to investigating a murder mystery in a novel I would only give this book a 3 star rating, maybe even a little lower because the main characters here went way, way beyond the limit of police/amateur cooperation. (In all honesty, though, I see this happen in ‘Golden Age’ mysteries all the time and it doesn’t bother me one bit. Maybe it’s because this one is set in modern times?) However, I’ve decided to settle on a 4 star rating because I really did like the members of the Thursday Murder Club and how the author had portrayed them. At almost 78 I would fit right into that group from the age perspective and I enjoyed seeing my contemporaries presented as being highly functioning from a physical and mental angle. That isn’t true most of the time; usually age automatically means a fictional character in a modern crime story has lost too many little grey cells to contribute much to solving crimes. I have many friends who live in “villages” of this type so I was able to accept the entire location as well as the interesting mix of characters. I really did think I had solved the mystery, once again, only to have my solution proved totally wrong by the final revealing twist. I’ve been wondering if I would be interested in reading a second book featuring this group of characters and I find I’m wavering and hesitating somewhat. I really would have liked for the police to have acted more like professionals and not set-dressing for the real solvers of every aspect of the solution. Hmm, I suppose I’ll just have to wait and see because as popular as this novel seems to have been it is probably a sure thing that there will be a second book. Many thanks to the one who practically insisted I read this book. Yes, I liked it. Yes, I’m glad I read it.
Review #3
Audiobook The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
No smarmy sympathy, no faked respect. This story is about people living their best lives– no matter what. Honest about aging, about loss, about unlikely but sustaining friendship. Well worth reading for the characters more than the mystery.
Review #4
Audio The Thursday Murder Club narrated by Lesley Manville
What fun Murder Club was to to read. A cast of wonderful characters and plenty of twists in the story. I read it on my Kindle and hated to see the reading time winding down toward zero. The Thursday Murder Club, consists of four members of a retirement community who have been working out solutions for cold cases (the founding member of the group was a retired police officer) though it can be only an academic exercise. Now, however, with the death of construction contractor, they find themselves with a current murder they can investigate. Roping in two officers officially involved in the case…who are both good at their job and not hostile to the Club as is often the case of police in books with amateurs investigating murder. I hope this is the start of a series.
Review #5
Free audio The Thursday Murder Club – in the audio player below
I love this book. The mystery is deep, the writing excellent, and the characters delightful. I was worried about figuring out the murderer too soon, but it was fine; Richard Osman is clearly far smarter than I am.
I loved this audio book and honestly think it is one of the best of 2021. The story is fantastic and the narration is perfect all the way through. Plenty of twists and turns and I never knew “who done it” thorough out the entire book. I’ve not read a book quite like this one before. The respect, dignity and humanity of the characters was more than refreshing. I also laughed more than I have in quite awhile. Osman has written a book about what it is like to be in the late years of ones life without making the characters pitiful, ugly, useless people. I am an older gal and love the way Mr. Osman depicted what it is like to be part of a generation that is intelligent, important, laugh out loud funny and reminds all of us we are the same people in old age as we were when we were young. The children we were are still so much a part of all of us at all stages of our lives. The book is such a loving tribute to all of us in the winter of our lives without being sappy or belittling. I felt I really knew and loved the characters and will miss them now that the book has ended. I can’t wait to listen to the next book. The mysteries (as there are more than one) were so well written and kept me guessing right to the end of the book. I will be looking for his second book and already consider myself a fan of Richard Osman. I will always be awaiting any and everything Mr. Osman writes in future. Thank you so VERY much for adding this book to the Galaxy Audiobook library. Hoping you will have Richard Osman’s next book and sequel to this book. Bless all of you who make this site possible.
This is so British and dusty and it’s painfully geared towards pensioners. I really wanted to like this but the humor is only for church ladies and retirees.