It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way

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It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way Audiobook

Hi, are you looking for It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way audiobook free

Essential reading for when life gets tough. This offers solace and invaluable biblical advice. Strongly suggested for upliftment and spiritual direction.

Review #2

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way audiobook

This book serendipitously entered my life just when I needed it. From the very first lines, I was captivated, and every word resonated deeply with me. It was precisely the guidance I required at this moment. I’m eager to explore her other works, but only after I revisit this one.

Review #3

Audiobook It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa TerKeurst

Sometimes, reclaiming your life means confronting the preconceived notions of what life should be.”

Relinquishing control is a challenge for many of us, yet there’s a greater Storyteller crafting tales more profound than we could imagine. Lysa’s journey is a testament to this. Through difficult lessons, she penned this narrative to share how understanding this truth both broke and healed her. She’s candid about anguish and adversity, unafraid to highlight the unvarnished truths of scripture, no matter how tough they are to digest.

While I’m not navigating a period of sorrow or loss at the moment (aside from the constraints of the Coronavirus quarantine), I’ve faced loss before, and the odds are I will again. This is a book I’ll revisit when I grapple with my emotions, struggling to align them with my understanding of God.

A sentiment that anchored me during my challenges, which Lysa echoes, is that God won’t let our pain go in vain. This idea is powerful – it acknowledges genuine anguish without diminishing or invalidating it. Embrace your emotions, knowing that nothing will go to waste.

Lysa brilliantly juxtaposes two gardens (Eden and Heaven), highlighting that our best life isn’t necessarily the current one. Due to the events in the first garden, suffering is inevitable, but it’s not our last stop. Her analogies related to ‘dust’ are insightful. Recalling how God created from dust, she ponders, “Could shattering be the means to revert dust to its original form, enabling new creation?” Using ‘dust’ as an analogy, she bridges our understanding of how immense beauty can sprout from immense pain. It’s an insightful motif for this work.

Not being amidst a crisis, I can’t ascertain how comforting this book might be in the throes of grief. However, from my current vantage point, Lysa’s genuine, lucid, and optimistic tone seems universally relatable. Her voice is filled with empathy and humility, not boasting. Her reliance on scripture is refreshing in an era where many authors might prioritize their own narratives over divine messages.

This book is suitable for group discussions, yet reading it solo was rewarding. Each chapter is followed by a summary, scripture references, pertinent questions, and a prayer—excellent tools for future reflection or guidance during tumultuous times.

Furthermore, Lysa’s writing prowess deserves mention. Her knack for alliteration, allegory, and wordplay is commendable. Her narratives are relatable, devoid of unnecessary anecdotes that some authors employ for personal embellishment.

This book carries potent truths. Some might be challenging to absorb when in pain, but evading these truths risks trapping us in despair and self-pity.

“God isn’t in the business of causing us pain. Yet, He permits it in measured amounts to deepen our faith. Our trials aren’t meant to harm but to salvage us. They steer us away from self-dependence and self-obsession, preventing the ultimate pain: estrangement from God.”

Review #4

Audio It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way narrated by Lysa TerKeurst

This is hands-down one of the most impactful Christian non-fiction books I’ve delved into this year! Lysa TerKeurst, a committed Christian, mother, wife, ministry leader, and author, navigated three significant life challenges in a short span. This book eloquently depicts how God’s power and love shine through during unexpected hardships, whether similar to Lysa’s or entirely different, emphasizing His ability to turn these events for our benefit.

Lysa candidly shares her emotional journey and faith struggles stemming from these events, articulating her reliance on scriptures, prayers, and unwavering trust in God. Her raw transparency is a breath of fresh air, and her insights are divinely inspired. As she mentions, “Disappointment doesn’t signify God’s reluctance to bless us. Often, it’s His beacon guiding us home.” (pg. 5)

Lysa’s prose is unfiltered and authentic. She underscores that adversities can befall devout Christians, yet firmly believes in God’s inherent goodness. Her writing style caters to Christians, be they newcomers or seasoned followers, particularly when grappling with challenges. She intersperses her narrative with biblical anecdotes and personal experiences, emanating wisdom born from intense spiritual introspection during tumultuous times. Many of her sentiments resonated with my personal experiences, emphasizing that it’s not the situations, but our reactions to them that matter most.

The profoundness of her insights might seem simplistic to those on the outside, but for someone navigating through the storm, they serve as a beacon. The ultimate choice lies between walking with God or succumbing to our weaker tendencies. As she beautifully puts it, “Our focus should be on remembering, repeating, and believing God’s truths about us.” (pg. 65)

I engaged with the content in multiple formats: audiobook, print, and e-book, alongside the related Bible study. Lysa’s voice in the audiobook feels intimate, reminiscent of a heart-to-heart conversation over coffee. My preference for diverse formats is rooted in my belief in repetitive learning and the convenience of referring back to pivotal sections, including the insightful chapter endings with “Going to the Well,” “Receive,” “Reflect,” and prayers. The concluding segments are rich with scriptures and practical aids for various situations.

I wholeheartedly recommend this transformative book, especially for Christians facing challenges. It reassures that God remains sovereign and underscores the importance of steadfast biblical teachings.

Review #5

Free audio It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way – in the audio player below

Lysa’s book became a beacon for me during a time I was desperately seeking hope. I approached the topic of healing post-infidelity with skepticism, finding the whole idea overwhelming. Yet, Lysa’s narrative illuminated how God orchestrates a larger purpose even amidst our suffering. Her profound reflections depicted how God channeled her own trials into pathways for marital and personal restoration. This reinforced my belief that God’s grand design surpasses human comprehension.

Lysa’s personal accounts resonated deeply with me, as they mirrored my own journey. Beyond just offering practical advice on mending trust, she laced her chapters with uplifting promises of hope. Lysa painted a vivid picture of God’s omnipresence, guiding readers like me to recognize and harness His support during life’s storms.

The most enduring lesson I gleaned from Lysa’s words is the potential for transformation inherent in our moments of fragility. She inspired me to see these moments not as dead-ends but as divine opportunities for rebirth. Lysa’s insights have been a catalyst in my own journey towards healing.

I’m profoundly grateful for Lysa’s guidance during my turbulent times. If you’re navigating a tough phase, this book could be the compass you’re searching for.

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