Just My Type (Hometown Love #2) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Just My Type (Hometown Love #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Just My Type (Hometown Love #2) audiobook free
Ummm… hello? Is anyone there? This book. I just don\’t know what to say. It\’s most definitely another winner from Sivec. I am not sure what to say that I haven\’t said before. The banter between these characters is life! I laughed so hard every single time. They are snarky, confident, entertaining. A troop of kick-butt characters who entertained me from start to finish. As in the past, Sivec leaves us with reader\’s blue balls. Dragging out the inevitable until the reader is ready to combust from the sexual tension. I feel like this is her new thing. She loves to torture her readers to the point they are begging for the sexual relief of her characters just as much as they are. I swear, after each of Sivec\’s books, I am left obsessing over something. This time it\’s a pet. I want that pet so very badly thanks to Sivec\’s telling of what a wonderful pet it would be to have. The only thing is, I need to move to another state to legally own one. Thanks Sivec. Thanks a lot! Personally, I wanted a little more from the resolution in this book. I wanted a little more torture and some more family from White Timber, but I was still happy with what I got. This book is going to be another hit people will be quoting for a while.
Review #2
Just My Type (Hometown Love #2) audiobook streamming online
I will begin by saying that I love this author and her books. But I honestly could not finish this one. The constant sarcasm, #$it mouth name calling, ugh I had enough. Ember was very very immature and annoying unlike Brooklyn. I like funny, humorous books once in a while especially after reading a book full of angst but this one was just really annoying. I couldn\’t finish unfortunately.
Review #3
Audiobook Just My Type (Hometown Love #2) by Tara Sivec
The sample of this was cute enough that I went ahead and bought it, but unfortunately those few pages were the most stellar in the book. It quickly deteriorated into more f-bombs per minute than a gangsta rap number, which is less earthy and honest than distracting. The pushy leading man\’s \”war hero\” status didn\’t ameliorate his refusal to treat the leading lady (a financially struggling single mom who is technically his employee) with any professionalism–rather, he smirks at her requests to keep their interactions professional with a \”she\’s-in-denial-about-how-much-she-wants-me\” attitude. There\’s a similarly obnoxious best friend who keeps urging her to \”just get laid\” rather than being supportive. The constant sexual innuendos and referrals to the leading man\’s dick don\’t do anything to build sexual tension; as a result, the love scenes are so boring that I pretty much skipped over them. Add to that a completely inappropriate sexual encounter at a 5-year-old\’s birthday party (ewww), and I was over it halfway through the book. If it hadn\’t been past the 7-day limit, I would have returned it; instead, I skimmed through the end and got it over with as quickly as possible. The premise is cute, but it just doesn\’t deliver.
Review #4
Audio Just My Type (Hometown Love #2) narrated by CJ Bloom James Cavenaugh
Ive told Tara to seriously stop going through my life and putting it out for the world to read but she isnt listening to me!! Buuuutttt it does make for a great read. Ember is a 30 something (ladies like us never reveal our age) single mother whose been screwed over by her ex husband. Hmm that sounds super familiar . After an eternity in vagina years, she sorta meets someone. Someone she knows only as poop mouth. Poop mouth loves the color burnt hole and baby oil. When a glitch in the system releases her notes and her information, Ember gets the surprise of a lifetime! What she gets is someone with a sense of humor who is a jerk all at the same time. Hes perfect I know!!! Baker (what a stupid name) finds himself smiling for the first time in months when he reads Embers notes that he accidentally got. He must email her right away and give her a good tongue lashing (that literally happens later), figuratively speaking. What we get is comedy gold and I laughed more times then I can count. Tara never ceases to get me to laugh and catch feelings all at the same time. Im so happy we got to revisit this world and I loved having Brooklyn back to give her awesome advice. I hope she writes a million more stand alones in this series. Id gobble them all up, much like Ember gobbles, well you know. She gobbles Reeses you pervs!!
Review #5
Free audio Just My Type (Hometown Love #2) – in the audio player below
This has easily become one of my favorite Tara Sivec stories and also one of my favorite reads of this year so far. It doesnt surprise me since Tara is one of my unicorn authors and theres yet to be a book I havent enjoyed from her. I couldnt stop smiling, laughing, swooning. The sarcasm and banter were funny and witty and sweet as hell. I never thought anyone would ever come close to Carter from Taras Chocolate Lovers series but I gotta tell you that Baker is now tied with him. And Ember! I flippin loved her just as much. And now Ive totally got a girl and boy crush – I dont know who I love more honestly . The chemistry between Ember and Baker was intense and I couldn\’t help but root for them from the beginning. Sometimes when two characters are alike the story feels stale and boring but that wasn\’t the case with these two. They each played off the others sarcasm and low blows resulting in both panty-melting and laugh-out-loud moments. I really dont know what else to say other than READ THIS BOOK! A super easy and quick read that will leave you feeling so happy. Everyone likes being happy, right? Well then go read his book. Oh! Also, I cant wait to read about Dax next. That is all.