Soft Place to Fall audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Soft Place to Fall audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Soft Place to Fall audiobook free
This was a long slow cowboy romance packed with up an down emotions. As always, Tortuga fills the story with authentic cowboy moments that make me a little homesick…. up until hauling firewood is mentioned. The narrator did a great job of adding a slow subtle drawl that fit the characters and the setting of the story.
Review #2
Soft Place to Fall audiobook streamming online
This is an excellent second-chance romance. Because, here is the thing, second-chance romance stories are hard to do right. I usually find that the reason for the break-up puts one of the characters in a position in which redemption isn\’t believable. Not here. Stetson and Curtis\’ break-up comes from familiar circumstances and wanting different things from life. They were young and unable to reach a compromise and they split-up. But now, Stetson\’s mom is dying from Alzheimer, she doesn\’t remember that they aren\’t together and doesn\’t understand why Curtis doesn\’t come to see her. So Stetson stomps on his pride and calls him. What comes next is one of the sweetest, and yet most realistic takes on a second-chance romance that I\’ve read in a while. It\’s not immediate, they fight and they make-up, they cry and laugh and they finally learn to lean on each other. It\’s a perfect western, with the right amount of pride and stubbornness from the characters, presenting both sides of the cowboy\’s life: Stetson, steady and reliable, tied to the land but utterly lonely; and Curtis, living from rodeo to rodeo, loving his exciting and dangerous life but aware that he is getting old for the gig. Their reunion happens at the right time for both of them, with change close in their futures and the chance to fix what went wrong the first time. Heartbreaking but also heartwarming, and narrated by John Solo, who manages the sexiest Texan drawl I\’ve ever heard, I finished this book with a big smile and a warm heart.
Review #3
Audiobook Soft Place to Fall by BA Tortuga
i mean no offense but that sound like a city boy through an through… trying to emphasize the country drawl and it is just not how we sound, we sound different and we say y\’all but good Lord
Review #4
Audio Soft Place to Fall narrated by John Solo
BA Tortuga makes you fall in love with Stetson and Curtis. Some tears will fall, but more of the good kind than the sad. Personally, not a John Solo fan, but he did a great job in bringing the story to life. This is a perfect book to curl up on a rainy day.