Maggie Finds Her Muse audiobook
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Review #1
Maggie Finds Her Muse audiobook free
As always Dre’s writing pulls you in with her mindful descriptions and easy flow. Maggie Finds Her Muse brings us to France and allows us to experience the sights and sounds and of course the food! Another beautiful story to ensare you.
Review #2
Maggie Finds Her Muse audiobook streamming online
So this was a romance, but almost not a romance in a way. Almost a bit more women’s fiction. But in the end it turned out to be a romance for sure and I enjoyed it! Now that I am older myself, 48 years old at the moment, I guess I have to start looking at romances with older characters, right? While it is harder for me to connect with characters who are mothers or have been married, because I have had neither of those things, there were still a lot of things about Maggie that I did connect with. One, her feelings about her body/self, etc. Another was her writing. While I am not a published author other than one novella I self-published last year, there were things about her writing methods and reasons that just really resonated with me. One thing that I really liked was how she tried to never use the one thing a lot of romances seem to have “The Great Misunderstanding”. I always hate how those can be used when it is such an easy misunderstanding to overcome but an author turns it into a big crazy drama. But the way this whole thing comes in toward the end of the story is perfect. Very tongue in cheek in a way, but I loved it! Not only was the story good in that sense, it had a lot of great characters as well. And the setting, wow! I can honestly say, that I haven’t actually ever been someone who thought they MUST go to Paris some day. There are lots of places I want to visit, but Paris was never high on the top of my list. But now, oh my gosh, the food they talked about? Well suffice it to say that I am going to have to find a French restaurant or bakery nearby and try a couple things, specifically the tartiflette and the kouign-amann. They sounded delicious! In the end I really really liked so much about this story, and I can see myself reading more by this author in the future!
Review #3
Audiobook Maggie Finds Her Muse by Dee Ernst
Maggie’s love life is in the crapper (again), but this is her time to shine as a writer. The second book in her series is about to release, and there’s talk of a show. All she needs to do is keep the momentum going and finish book three. The problem? She hasn’t written any of it. Nothing. The words won’t come and she has zero inspiration. In a last ditch effort to revive her literary mojo, she lets her editor talk her into a trip to Paris. The city of romance (not to mention a city where the very distracting ex lover isn’t present), surely she can write here? At the very least she can spend time with her daughter who lives near by. Maybe it would work, too, except there are… complications. One, in the form of her ex-husband and another in the form of a naked French man in her bath tub. Trying to juggle time in Paris, time with family, time working on herself… can she find time to write? And yet… the words start to flow. Maybe it’s Paris, maybe it’s the new look and wardrobe… or maybe her luck is changing because of a certain French man. All she knows is, it’s working. When her muse decides to leave, though, how far will she go to keep him by her side? Fans of hilariously neurotic anti-heroines are going to go gaga over this one. Maggie Bliss is funny and engaging. She’s also a little self absorbed and a lot frazzled at the moment. You’re invited into the innermost thoughts of a woman on the verge of either career greatness, or destruction. Forty-eight years old, she has kicked her narcissist lover out of the house and her life. Now she just has to find her muse, write a stellar third book, and get her life back on track. Watching her interactions with Max (naked Frenchman mentioned in Summary), her editor Lee and her daughter is really fun. Maggie is a bit (okay, a lot) crazy, but in the best way. I really enjoyed going through Paris with her. It was a delightfully fun, fast read. I would give it four stars. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. On the adult content scale, there’s quite a bit of sexual content (Maggie is a romance writer, after all) and language as well as some drinking. I wouldn’t say that any of it is overly explicit, so I would say this one could be appropriate for older teens (16+); though it’s obviously geared toward adults. I was lucky enough to receive an eARC of this book from Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review. My thanks. The book is out! If you love crazy female leads that don’t have their lives in order (in the most hilarious ways) you should check it out.