Magic Slays

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Magic Slays Audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Magic Slays audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Magic Slays audiobook free

Kate faces the daunting task of preparing for her wedding, but her foremost concern lies in confronting ominous prophecies foretelling her father’s intent to harm her, Curran, and everyone dear to her. Unaware of her father’s sinister plans, Kate remains resolute in safeguarding the land she inadvertently claimed, even if it means sacrificing her own life.

As Kate and Curran stand ready to exchange their vows, external forces conspire to thwart their union. This sets the stage for a series of hard-earned lessons for Kate and her companions, weaving a tale brimming with action, magic, thrilling adventures, and all the enchanting elements that define the works of this talented authorial duo.

Within the Kate Daniels universe, urban fantasy finds its zenith, consistently delivering engaging narratives that rarely disappoint (except, perhaps, when certain characters defy our desires). This marks the ninth installment in the series, inclusive of novellas, and it is absolutely imperative to have delved into the preceding books. Doing so not only ensures comprehension, as characters and events build upon earlier occurrences, but also prevents spoilers for those who dive into this book prematurely. Trust me, immersing yourself in the previous installments is a delightful journey well worth the effort!

Review #2

Magic Slays audiobook Series Kate Daniels

My mind is still grappling with the whirlwind of events that unfolded within the pages of this book, and the burning question of “What comes next?” looms large. As for that question, I must confess my ignorance; attempting to anticipate the imaginative twists conjured by the authors would be the very embodiment of futility.

To kickstart this narrative and elevate the reader’s tension, we encounter an oracle who glimpses a grim tapestry of events in Kate’s future, offering scant hope of evading their ominous shadow. This sets the stage for a cascade of minor escapades, culminating in a significant adventure that crescendos into an epic battle. But what’s this? Have you forgotten the impending wedding? Indeed, Kate and company select an improbable officiant, one unaccustomed to such duties, transforming into an unwitting “wedding planner.” Their comedic pursuit of Kate throughout the story serves as a delightful counterbalance to its inherent tension, a testament to the book’s ability to elicit laughter even in the darkest moments.

And then there’s Roland, the enigmatic figure who oscillates between loving father and megalomaniacal menace, a character whose shades of gray have deepened over recent volumes. Is he the embodiment of pure malevolence, or perhaps a misunderstood psychopath? This book delves deeper into Roland’s past, presenting a wealth of information that shatters preconceptions and leaves readers reaching for their metaphorical Advil.

In the annals of this genre, characters wielding immense power must eternally grapple with their inner demons to forestall their descent into darkness. Kate navigates this treacherous terrain throughout the story, her struggle so subtly portrayed that the line between hero and villain blurs imperceptibly until the narrative unveils it with precision—an artful testament to masterful storytelling.

Furthermore, the narrative examines the transformation of previously likable characters into less savory versions of themselves, unraveling this twist to remarkable extremes. Prepare to be astonished at the company Kate brings home for a visit.

Curious about Christopher’s fate? Answers await, but they are but one entry in the compendium of surprises within this volume.

Julie’s destiny remains an enigma, her interactions with Roland suggesting a future replete with uncertainty. Contemplating the eventual conclusion of this series is a somber thought, yet one can envision a continuation with Julie assuming the mantle of the lead character.

Returning to the wedding preparations, the chaos is palpable. Amid the stereotypically “girly” demands thrust upon Kate, Roland’s desire to attend transforms the event into a grand feast—an endearing, albeit chaotic, display of familial devotion. If malevolent creatures and archenemies fail to vanquish Kate, this wedding might just succeed.

In conclusion, a lingering question begs an answer: where is Hugh? His absence in this tome raises skepticism about his true departure. Could that April Fool’s jest of his own book become a reality?

In summation, what more can be said that hasn’t already been extolled? I find myself fatigued by the repetition of praise, for each installment eclipses its predecessor. It stands shoulder to shoulder with a mere handful of peerless series, deserving of nothing less than five stars, if not more, were it allowed.

Review #3

Audiobook Magic Slays by Cris Dukehart

The entire series boasts impeccable craftsmanship in its writing. The world-building unfolds with meticulous attention to detail, rendering it utterly captivating. The characters, both primary and secondary, are truly exceptional, leaving you yearning for more of each and every one of them.

Review #4

Audio Magic Slays narrated by Cris Dukehart

After nine books, one might expect the momentum to wane and the narrative to grow stagnant, but Ilona Andrews firmly declares, “Not on my watch.”

In the span of nine books, we’ve finally arrived at a long-awaited wedding, albeit with plenty of hurdles in our indomitable protagonist Kate’s path, as adversity seems to be her constant companion.

With war looming ominously on the horizon and prophecies of doom from a prescient oracle, the stakes are as high as ever. These prophecies present Kate with two impossible choices: one that sacrifices her mate, the other her future son. No minor dilemma, to say the least.

The revelations concerning Roland, the enigmatic figure who has elicited our complex love-hate relationship, abound in this installment. Moreover, we witness the welcome evolution of Curran’s character, adding a delightful layer to the narrative.

Within these pages, one finds a rich tapestry woven with suspense, action, heart, humor, and emotion, all skillfully interwoven to create a story that bursts at the seams with its abundance of content.

Review #5

Free audio Magic Slays – in the audio player below

I have re read this series at least 20 times, at least every 3 months or so and I can honestly say, hand on heart that this book series? Is all the wonderful words in my title! It’s well written, the characters are what you would imagine if magic & tech clashed and the world changed so phenomenally.
I love how many of the characters are seen throughout all 10 books and to see how they change & grow? Amazing. I still read each book as if it’s the first time & that’s after at least 20 times of re reading? That is how amazing this series is.

It’s worth those 5* it deserves accolades, trophy’s awards, talk shows, read through etc. I want every person who loves this genre to have a chance to read this series! That is how passionate I am about it! Please, read it and love it and much as I do.

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