Mid-Flinx audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Mid-Flinx audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Mid-Flinx audiobook free
I found this the best of both worlds (Pun). I am a Flinx fan as well as a Mid-world fan and Mr. Foster scored a touchdown on this. I highly recommend you read mid-world, preferably first but not absolutely necessary. I would like to see another Mid-world book come out as well as a movie. With the advent of Avatar (some say was inspired by mid-world), I think they could really make a great movie of the mid-world and follow it up with mid-Flinx.
Review #2
Mid-Flinx audiobook in series Pip & Flinx (chronological order)
The setting from Midworld was 100% of what got me to pick this book, and Foster chose just the right way to explore it. It was the same awe and discovery as Midworld with different tensions. For those that haven\’t read Midworld and don\’t grasp the colors and mysteries of the planet this novel and Midworld take place on, I can only recommend it if you like lush nature. The immersive feeling of the planet-rainforest is at the forefront the whole time.
Review #3
Audiobook Mid-Flinx by Alan Dean Foster
Mid-Flinx is one of my favorite adventures of Flinx and Pip. All the usual bad guys are in it, as well as several of the good guys. And I love this planet — although I wouldn\’t want to live there.
Review #4
Audio Mid-Flinx narrated by Stefan Rudnicki
Pursued by a spoiled, rich, obsessed maniac who wants Pip. Flinx flees and discovers a unknown world. The ingenuity of Foster in creating diverse worlds, aliens and civilizations is especially on display in this novel. I do wish the novel\’s number was included on the cover. It would make reading order on kindle much easier.
Review #5
Free audio Mid-Flinx – in the audio player below
This entire series is a Must have to any collector of Space Opera or Serial Science Fiction… I have the entire series and re read them every so often