Never Chase Men Again

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Never Chase Men Again Audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Never Chase Men Again audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Never Chase Men Again audiobook free

First and foremost, I’d endorse this book for any woman who, like my former self, tends to pursue men. It offers valuable insights on self-control and self-awareness.

However, there’s a contradictory element I observed. While many similar books, including this one, advise women to be self-sufficient and lead an independent life, they often follow up with guidance on how to dress and behave to attract men. It’s a confusing message: be true to yourself, yet also cater to male preferences.

I appreciate the author’s works and will continue to purchase them. I’m just more discerning now.

Review #2

Never Chase Men Again audiobook

I appreciated the sections of the book that shed light on the male perspective and their patterns of behavior. This insight helped me distinguish between a man who’s genuinely interested and one who isn’t worth my energy. It offered valuable cues to better understand a man’s intentions.

However, I was less impressed with the emphasis on the myriad of strategies and “rules” that women are seemingly expected to adopt to retain or captivate a man. Much of this advice appeared conflicting and overwhelmed the notion that a woman should execute countless actions just to secure a partner’s interest. While understanding a man’s viewpoint is crucial, adhering to an exhaustive list of dos and don’ts feels inauthentic and unnecessarily taxing.

The key takeaway from the book is to be cognizant of how men approach dating.

For women diving into this book: Absorb the insights about male perspectives, but don’t compromise your identity or feel pressured to perform endless acts to make a man love you. You are a unique, divinely created individual deserving of love. Your value was established at your creation. If you’re with a righteous, high-quality man as the author describes, there shouldn’t be any need for playing games. Stay connected spiritually, and you’ll discern not only his intentions but also recognize areas where you might grow.

Review #3

Audiobook Never Chase Men Again by Bruce Bryans

I will say, I did enjoy the aspects of the book that showed you how men operate and think. It helped me to see when a man is serious as well as someone I shouldn’t waste my time on. Was great as well as things to look out for to truly see how the guy you are dating views you.

The portion I didn’t like was the feeling of all these rules or tactics a woman has to use to keep or attract a man. A lot was contradictory and also felt it was a bit much that a woman has to do allllllllll that to keep and attain a man. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s important to keep in mind how he may think, but I don’t believe you should have to follow so many rules. That feels extremely game like as well as kinda stressful.

Moral of the book , I would take from it, is being mindful of how men think or operate in the dating arena.

But; I do believe women who read this book; ensure to take the tips on how men think, but don’t start questioning who you are and feel you have to do allllll these things to keep a man. You are a beautiful, God made, exquisite, worth woman of love. God deemed you as worth being loved the moment he formed you. You don’t have to try and do all these things to get a man to love you as if you are not worthy enough. If he is a good Godly man, who is high quality as he mentions, mature, and has the right intentions for pursuit; you won’t have to play all these games. If you stay prayerful about this man’s heart and your own heart; you will see who he is as well as see the areas you need to change.

Review #4

Audio Never Chase Men Again narrated by Dan Culhane

This book was insightful. While some of its content resonated with what I already knew as a woman, other parts served as valuable reminders. Additionally, it highlighted areas where I could improve.

Review #5

Free audio Never Chase Men Again – in the audio player below

The 38 dating guidelines are essential for any woman genuinely seeking marriage. They illuminated my missteps and oversights in past relationships, ensuring I won’t repeat them in the future.

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