Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12)

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Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12) audiobook free

I\’ve listened to all 11 Reacher novels prior to this one and I think author Lee Child lost some of his magic with Nothing to Lose. After a typical strong beginning, Child has his listeners wandering aimlessly between Hope and Despair along with his protagonist. The sub-plot centering on the plight of other visitors to Despair did little more than give Child an opportunity to turn Reacher into someone who more convincingly resembled Jeanine Garofalo than he did Superman. Officer Vaughn was not a believable character, even for a Reacher novel. And the reception that Vaughn and Reacher received during one of their visits to Despair ruptured credulity. My biggest question during the listen was whether Child was going to let Reacher and the Giant finally get it on before the book ended. Luckily Child didn\’t disappoint me here. Even with its weaknesses, Nothing to Lose will keep Reacher fans entertained. I\’m taking a Lee Child break before moving on to Gone Tomorrow. I remain hopeful that the Man of Steel returns for the 13th installment. 45 people found this helpful


Review #2

Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12) audiobook streamming online

I have read all Reacher novels and have liked all of them to date. I wait for a new novel to be published every year and could not wait until this one was available. This book started off ok but jumped the shark when reacher threw his hand into the political arena. I feel Lee Child wrote this novel to take a shot at the military and administration. Seems like a lot of setup for a lackluster and frustrating ending. 54 people found this helpful


Review #3

Audiobook Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12) by Lee Child

There comes a point where I wonder, since Reacher is adverse to owning anything other than a toothbrush, if he could at least consider renting a car?! It did seem Reacher spent hours walking between the towns, admiring the difference in the highway\’s pavement. This story is a study of contract Hope vs Despair, good cop vs roguish Reacher, loyality vs people unable to be loyal. Reacher seems to be moving from doing nasty things to protect or help people unable to help themselves to just doing nasty things. I cannot suggest skipping this book because I, myself, am curious what situations Lee Child will dream up next for his marvel Reacher but this is not one of Child\’s really good books. 8 people found this helpful


Review #4

Audio Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12) narrated by Dick Hill

The Jack Reacher books are pretty predictable: 1) Reacher beats the snot out of some bad people. 2) Reacher gets the girl. 3) Reacher figures everything out before anyone else. All of this is done while regularly consulting the atomic clock in his brain. I enjoy listening to the books, and enjoyed this one to a certain extent, though it seemed that instead of wandering into trouble like he usually does, Jack was looking for trouble. This book also seemed quite preachy to me, on both political and religious issues. 12 people found this helpful


Review #5

Free audio Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12) – in the audio player below

I struggled to fully appreciate Reacher in this book. Too political. Safe to skip this one. 3 people found this helpful


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