Orphan Star audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Orphan Star audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Orphan Star audiobook free
Book number four of a fifteen book space opera with psi series. I read the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Del Rey in 1985. In fact, I even bought a new copy to acknowledge ADF. I have all of the books in the series and and buying a couple of new ones for grins. Flinx is kidnapped by a merchant determined to learn his secrets. But instead, Flinx finds out that the merchant knows secrets about Flinx ! And in Flinx\’s chase of the merchant to Hivehom and Earth, Flinx finds out quite a few secrets. And a race who should be part of the Commonwealth.
Review #2
Orphan Star audiobook in series Pip & Flinx (chronological order)
Flinx is still 17 years old and is kidnapped by a wealthy merchant because of his mental abilities. There he meets a young girl who appears angelic and innocent but her mind is a scary violent manipulative vortex. She\’s the child that the Society had attempted to approach directly in book one. When Flinx finally is able to leave, he has a clue as to who his true Mother is, and the rest of this book is concerned with a search for more information. Somehow Flinx manages to survive mishap, unforseen disasters, and several really psychotic villains as he travels off planet again. More of a focus on the United Church, having heard of it in the last two books we now get a good look at it\’s working and set up. Loads of action.
Review #3
Audiobook Orphan Star by Alan Dean Foster
Having raised a soon with Autism, I loved how the new primitive race discovered, which had already been dismissed as incapable of more than menial tasks or of having any communication, keep surprising Flinx, the enemy, and the reader, of course, again and again in a believable way, like my son who once started on an interest, gets proficient at an exponentially accelerated rate until he is often genius level in that particular area interest (as most autistic are in at least one or more areas). We are still pleasantly surprised again and again as things we were told he couldn\’t do he does and things he didn\’t do he now admits (at age 26) he didn\’t want us to know he could do cuz he excited to be lazy. LOL Anyway, these alien characters are the most enjoyable Foster has created yet. But don\’t be fooled, like an Autistic person in fighting mode, even my five year old child could not be held from escape having arms legs torso and head by eight adults, these happy game loving natives can play may games too!
Review #4
Audio Orphan Star narrated by Stefan Rudnicki
This was yet another good book in the series. I have read them in publication order to this point, not the Amazon prescribed order, but that won\’t matter anymore after reading \”For Love of Mother Not\” next. Anyway, I loved this bit of the story, except for one thing, which isn\’t technically part of the story. As I have said on many other books I\’ve read on the Kindle, I don\’t like the fact that his book has no chapter demarcation at the bottom of the screen. It\’s much easier to read by chapter demarcation for finding a stopping point than it is to have to wait for a chapter\’s end to finally be reached when you don\’t know how long that will be at all. For anyone who loved the previous books, whether read in publishing order or not, this is a good one and I recommend it highly. You won\’t be disappointed if you liked the others.
Review #5
Free audio Orphan Star – in the audio player below
I think the first time I read this book I was 14. I have read it many times since that day so long ago. Like Robert Heinlein, Alan D Foster has a way of telling a story. A lot of us are Roberts foster\’s children. Alan is like the cool older brother, who will show you the best way.
This book doesn’t want to play. Only the 8 second welcome message plays.