Outrage (The Singular Menace #2)

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Outrage audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Outrage audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Outrage audiobook free

Have so very much enjoyed all other J Sanford works. Singular Menace however fell far short. Kept waiting for the characters to lead in a game of patty cake.
Story O.K. But the players just didn’t seem to ring true.
Tried the follow up book and it just got worse. The dog did not help. I respect dogs and their owners, just don’t get me involved.
Will not try the third book. Will respectfully leave it to sci-fi, k-9 lovers, and teeny boopers..
Anyway, good luck…


Review #2

Outrage audiobook streamming online

I noticed through the Prey series and Virgil Flowers series that Sandford takes subtle digs and denigrates the civilian ownership and use of firearms. His characters make snide remarks about this. In this book he takes off the gloves in one instance where the character Twist says, “Yeah, well the NRA can kiss my ass,” Twist Said. “The whole NRA”. There was no real reason in the story line for the character to say this. I think Sandford just wanted to say it and plopped it in. As a Benefactor member of the NRA I’d like to tell Sandford that he can kiss my ass. I’ll buy no more of his books.


Review #3

Audiobook Outrage by John Sandford Michele Cook

Don’t know how anyone could rate this book and the series of three books in the one, long continuous story less than 4 stars, much less 5 stars. It is not a Davenport or Flowers novel. It is, however, just as good. This is not Sandford lending his name to an unpublished author the way James Patterson has been doing. Michelle Cook is a published author and screenwriter. She is also Sandford’s wife. The collaboration has been terrific.
I admit the first 3 chapters of this first book in the series are not up to the standards of the rest of the story, but they aren’t bad. and the reward of continuing through the book, and the series is so worthwhile! It is the kind of story that sucks you in and you just can’t stop reading. It is like seeing the whole story as one long movie. You can see it as if it is unfolding on the screen in you mind.
Do your self a huge favor and read these three novels. You will not regret it.


Review #4

Audio Outrage narrated by Tara Sands

Singular Menace series. Is an interest book about fighting against labs testing on people. But what I didn’t like was that Book 1-2-3 are a continuation. You have the same characters as in a series but you have to keep buying the books (at a healthy price) to find out if they were caught on the ship to be killed, did they …. A nice ploy of the writer to make you buy all 3 books if you really want to know what is going on. And you need to read them in order. Don’t try reading #2, then hop to #1, etc.
Think of these 3 books as what the cost is for the total purchase and they are like watching your favorite TV show that has a 2 or 3 part show. You get to the end and it is a cliff hanger… “to be continued”.
Be ware! John Sandford and Michele Cook wrote an interesting story that did get a bit tiresome by #3. Driving from town to town, staying in dump motels, eating garbage food. Pop, chips, burgers at best. ?? They fight the good fight and are going to die from junk food.


Review #5

Free audio Outrage – in the audio player below

The ending, or lack thereof, was a total piss-off!

I’ll be G– Dam— if I’ll buy the next book to get the rest of the story from the book I already paid for!

If this book was presented as part of a SERIAL, I might understand….but this lack of story ending is flagrant deception!

I’ve bought and read over 30 of Sanford’s books and loved them all….this one sucks for the reason stated above!


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