Patrimony audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Patrimony audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Patrimony audiobook free
Better dialogue than some of his previous work. The Tlel are interesting. Again there is a villain who will doubtless be neutralized. Again he gets lost on an alien world, looking for \”answers.\” He actually gets some this time. He finds them startling and existentially dark. Well. At least the \”who is my absentee father\” storyline is finally wrapped up. Now he knows \”who he is,\” or whatever. I\’ll never understand why anyone cares to look to someone who was never in their life to get such questions answered, but so many people are like this that I can\’t fault Flinx for doing likewise. Worth reading if you want to follow the series to completion. If you\’re new, start at For The Love Of Mother-Not and read through in sequence. By the way, Bloodhype happens AFTER Running from the Deity. Several \”Flinx reading order\” lists get this wrong, but it\’s perfectly obvious if you read the books.
Review #2
Patrimony audiobook in series Pip & Flinx (chronological order)
Book number thirteen of a fifteen book series. I reread the well printed and well bound paperback that I just bought new since my old one is packed away. I have acquired books fourteen and fifteen in the series and will read them soon. Flinx has his own FTL spaceship, the Teacher, built and given to him by the Ulru-Ujurrians. Flinx is searching for the Tar-Aiym planet full of Krangs that has moved itself across the Galaxy to a new location. But, on the look for the planet of Krangs, Flinx looks for more parental information.
Review #3
Audiobook Patrimony by Alan Dean Foster
Another great A.D. Foster book in the Flinx & Pip series. I have been reading this series since it began, maybe 20 or so years ago. I am now 66 yrs and I still enjoy the character Philip Linx and his ever present min-dragon Pip and their travels and adventures.Even though I think the series is written with the teen, preteen and young adult in mind I still enjoy this series and all of Alan Dean Foster\’s works. Flinx finds about his origins and the father that he has been searching for in previous books. The truth is a little dark but not so dark as to crush the hopes of any young reader. Flinx is the ever optimistic person and nothing gets him down for long, he always bounces back.
Review #4
Audio Patrimony narrated by Stefan Rudnicki
The truth about his Father is finally revealed. Flinx is not happy with the results of a search which has consumed 13 books. I am truly looking forward to Flinx finally looking for the means to stop the great Evil which consumes universes. He has been boxing himself into a corner with his concern over who his parents were instead of who he actually is. As if his worth was dependent on them. Also his other obsession with are other people worth saving feeds back into what is a person worth. Can anyone person have the right to pass Judgement on another let alone numerous species.
Review #5
Free audio Patrimony – in the audio player below
I think this was the bst of the series for me, but it was also the saddest one. Anyone who enjoyed the other books in the series should get this one also. There are no chapter demarcations in this book either, but by this point, that\’s no surprise anymore. The things you find out in this book are part pitiful, part satisfying, and part very sad. All that I can really hope is that the author allows Pip and Flinx to be happy in the last novel, which I can\’t wait to start. The character really deserves it. I won\’t bother boring anyone who reads my review by writing a summary of the book here because there are other reviewers who are fond of doing that. All my other comments for this series I will reserve for my review of the final book. I think they\’ll be more appropriate there.
Thank you so much for this gift. It makes any physical work so engaging. Thanks again.
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