Play Dirty audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Play Dirty audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Play Dirty audiobook free
It\’s always a thrill when I embark into another Sandra Brown novel. She writes compelling characters, thoughtful plotlines and has plenty of good twists to keep this suspense reader happy. Griff Burkett is fresh out of prison when he\’s asked to meet Foster Speakman and his wife Laura. Griff went to prison for five years after being found guilty for taking payment by his bookies in exchange for forfeiting a game while he was the Dallas Cowboy\’s quarterback. Everyone in Texas despises him for doing it and despite five years gone by, everyone still remembers what he did. As Enemy #1 and without any of his football money (which he lost before going to prison) it\’s hard to find a new job offer. When Speakman offers him money in exchange for performing a special service, first he thinks Foster is crazy but by the end of the night, he\’s agreeing to do what they want from him. Laura Speakman loves her husband. She will do anything he asks of her. She will even do the crazy thing he\’s requesting from her. At first, she doesn\’t trust or likes Griff but when she gets to know him, she\’s conflicted. She realizes she has developed feelings for him. She tries to severe her connection with him but then a murder brings them closer together. I had fun reading/listening to Play Dirty. It had plenty of suspense, an evil character to hate and two good twists. As for the characters, I liked how Griff was not cookie-cutter perfect. He was down on his luck and he had to start over from scratch. I loved that Laura was a cut-throat businesswoman. She worked as hard as her husband or maybe even more. I\’m not sure how she could have fallen for Foster who was manipulative and deceitful. Cliffhanger: No 4/5 Fangs
Review #2
Play Dirty audiobook streamming online
When I started this book, I was under the impression it would be just another great Sandra Brown novel – it would be parts mystery, thriller, adventure, with a little sex thrown in (personally, the way she writes about sex, I wouldn\’t mind it if she threw more our way). I was just a tad wrong on the content. What I found in these pages was a novel about modern-day temptation, modern-day sins, and modern-day redemption. I was impressed. As usual her plotting kept the reader on their toes (don\’t look away from one of her novels, as you\’ll miss that teensy detail that pulls it all together). The characters were, as always, gritty and real. But I most enjoyed the entire package in this book – once I got over that this was a little different bit of plot, I noticed that this book was extremely enjoyable to me. Thank you Ms. Brown for another enjoyable book!
Review #3
Audiobook Play Dirty by Sandra Brown
As far a \”Thrillers\” go, this is by far, the BEST Sandra Brown has ever written, in my opinion. I have read tons and tons of her books mysteries, romance and more. I can\’t say enough about this book. It was so good after getting it from the Library, that I actually purchased here online so I could have it for my very own. I also bought a copy for my son. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves, suspense, keeps you literally on the edge of your seat, with a twist so huge, it\’s absolutely unbelievable! Do yourself a favor, and READ THIS…you\’ll be glad you did!
Review #4
Audio Play Dirty narrated by Victor Slezak
This is why I love Sandra Brown…..edge of my seat suspense, love story, steamy romance and best ever ending! Its been a while since I read Sandra Brown and decided to try this one while on vacation. Could not put down and finished all but 50 pages on airplane. It killed me to wait and escape my fabulous sisters 24 hours later I finished and loved this book!
Review #5
Free audio Play Dirty – in the audio player below
This is a review so there are *spoilers*. Another good book by Sandra Brown, a strong 4.5 stars. After spending 5 years in jail, former football player Griff Burkett was released from prison. He had been convicted of throwing a championship game to pay back a big gambling debt. He had no friends, family, or job opportunities. He was hated by everyone. He unexpectedly receives a call from Foster Speakman, a multi-millionaire offering him a job. You know the old saying \”if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is\”, and it was. From there starts a fast past story which involves a 5 year murder, a death, and a dirty cop. All this makes a very good action thriller. Foster Speakman is found dead and Detective Rodarte is blaming Griff and is doing everything, legal or not, to chase him down. A fast pace hide and seek ensues with only Mrs. Speakman believing Griff. I\’ll not go into the job Mr. Speakman hired Griff to do, but you will find it very unusual and exciting. At least, I did. Griff is a very defined flawed hero. All the characters were necessary for the story and the bad guy was a scary vicious bully. The story flowed fast without any silly secondary story to distract the reader. The action scenes made me feel like I was right there looking over my shoulder. Good job Ms. Brown. I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes mystery/thrillers. Good reading to all, retired to read