Power Game audiobook – Audience Reviews
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Review #1
Power Game audiobook free
Power Game is the thirteenth installment in Christine Feehans Ghostwalker action-packed PNR series. This books was a returned to Team Four who have set up their fortress in the bayou of Louisiana. Following the lives of a group of enhanced men and women, who are sometime chemically paired as a means of control by the brilliant yet sociopathic scientist, Peter Whitney, the Ghostwalker’s natural sensory gifts are enhanced and now Whitney is experimenting with adding reptile and arachnid DNA in the hopes of creating super soldiers for the government.
Power Games opens with the heroine, Bellisia, has been pressed into service by Peter Whitney on an dangerous undercover assignment in Asia. She discovers a nefarious plot by a former childhood friend, Violet, who is now a U.S. senator and is planning to serve up her Ghostwalker brethren in exchange for power and status. Violet gives the name and location of Team Four to be slated for assassination. When her cover is blown, Bellisia manages to not only escape her potential captors but escape from Dr. Whitneys handlers and a fate of being sent to a breeding program in Italy. Intrepid Bellisia makes her way to Louisiana to warn the Team Four.
Bellisia is such a powerful and intuitive heroine. She can make field decisions as well as assessment people and situations before rushing into dangerous situations. She lands a job as a waitress and watches the movement of Team Four to assess whether they are the good guys. In her observation she sees and becomes intrigued with Ezekiel Fortunes.
Ezekiel outwardly appears to be a distant, cold man yet from her hiding spot Bella witness how tender Zeke is with the two year old triplets, he often sings to the girls when the other adults are not around. Ezekiel is a protective alpha, at age eight he became caretaker of his two younger brothers and lived on the street when their crack-addicted mother was about to turn her sons over to a pedophile in exchange for drugs and money. Despite his protective nature, Ezekiel respected Bella’s strengths and took his time building her trust. In fact, it is Bella who saves Ezekiel when henchmen sent by Violet manages to tranquilize and take him captive. These two worked smoothly as a team.
It was also refreshing to return to the bayou and be immersed in the Fontenot family headed by Nonny. The little girls were just darling, they are thriving under the protection of the Team Four men and women. It was wonderful to re-connect with Cayenne and Pepper and be introduced to a wonderful new character, Donny. Donny is a force in his own right and I hope he becomes an integral part of Team Four community. Power Game ranks in my top five Ghostwalker favorites along with Samurai Game, Murder Game, Conspiracy Game, and Shadow Game. Very highly recommended.
Review #2
Power Game audiobook in series A GhostWalker Novel
There are so many good things about this book and this series that is couldn’t possibly write them all here. I found this series thanks to a wonderful bookstore owner who suggested it and I was hooked from book one. We’re now on book thirteen and I would read one every week if she would write them that fast!
This is a series about enhanced soldiers. Part of the program they volunteered for and then the man running the program decided to take it one step further and enhance their DNA. They are called the Ghostwalkers because they move silently and by the time you are dead or dying they’re already gone.
Another of Whitney’s experiments was to pair them with enhanced women in the hopes of getting the perfect soldier. These men are alpha times a thousand, but when they meet their woman and the two join together that alpha goes into protect mode and he will do anything to make sure she is safe and happy.
This story is about Ezekiel and Bellisia. She is still with Whitney when this book starts and is somewhat of a chameleon but more in the octopus family. She can blend but she has venom in her bite as well.
When she finds out that Ezekiel and his team have been sold out she goes to see if they are worth saving. Once she decides that they are she actually saves Ezekiel from being killed. But when his team finds her and ties her up she feels betrayed. She doesn’t know that they didn’t get the note she left for them.
When Ezekiel is on an errand for Nonny he is stopped in his track by the smell of vanilla and oranges, he follows it to a cafe and finds Bellisia. He is immediately smitten and then when she saves his life later he is completely humbled.
Once his team accepts her, they have to protect her and teach her. They care for one another beyond imagination and she proves to be part of the family. But the journey to get there is filled with assassination attempts, betrayal, a little fun and a lot of action along with a lot of love.
You really need to read this series for these books to affect you the way they do us die hard fans to get a full background, but if you can’t start with this one you will be completely hooked like I am.
Review #3
Audiobook Power Game by Christine Feehan
I cannot believe I am giving just 3 stars for my favorite series. I am disappointed this book. It is like someone else is writing her books. The first few books in this series are amazing but the later ones are nothing but sex and I mean very explicit sex. There were great love scenes in the first few books and now it’s like reading porn. The story line is short and sometimes filled with useless garbage. Ms. Feehan used to draw you in and kept you there with the details of the story. Now it’s short not so sweet and very pornographic. Her other series have been the same way. Great in the beginning and then BAM porn. I hope she gets better.
Review #4
Audio Power Game narrated by Tom Stechschulte
The Ghostwalkers have always been one of my favourite Paranormal Romance Series. I became addicted very quickly after the first couple of books, Jack and Bryony were my preferred couple. I found the combination of action, mystery and romance perfectly balanced.
I must say after Viper Game and Spider Game I thought Christine Feehan had lost her touch, they were repetitive with not much happening and a weak plot. Power Game has proven me wrong. Christine is back in top form.
The action goes back to Louisianas Bayou with grandma nony Fontenot using her abilities to get the main characters together.
Bellisia has been enhanced and experimented on by Whitley. She is incredibly resourceful and brave. I love the fact that we get to know her really well before she meets Zeke. Christine gives us a flavour of how life in the Bayou continues now with the triplets and the couples living under the protection of the swamp and nony.
Zeke has a past of his own, which as always, interferes with him having a future with Bella. But, of course, he still needs to protect her, watch over her and would not share her with any other man.
Bellisia is strong and clever and she shows Zeke she can deal with anything if it means protecting the innocent and the people she loves.
There is a lot of action, many twists and turns with tension until the very end. A very powerful enemy is dealt with and there are hints about what to expect in the next book.
What more do you need?
Review #5
Free audio Power Game – in the audio player below
I love every book in this series. There are strong women who can kick butt with the best of them. The plot that runs through this series, although based on a mad scientist, has plots within plots and new characters arriving each time. The enhancements that Feehan gives her characters, both psychic and physically, turns them into unstoppable soldiers. I like that the women, although they turn all girly and mush in front of their lead, are strong in their own right. They can have families and husbands and don’t suddenly forget that they can fight just as hard to protect what’s theirs.
I must admit that I would like to see some of her earlier characters appearing in her latest book so there’s no forgetting which enhancements they have and where they fall in the plot of things.
On the whole a really good book that is great to loose yourself in.
Keep them coming please!
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