Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World audiobook free
Who will like this book * If your friends would describe you as highly curious, you’ll like this book * If you’re an investor, a business owner, a researcher, a scientist, a musician, a writer, a director, an athlete, or really anyone dealing with complex questions or seeking world-class achievement, you’ll like this book * If you care about doing the most good for the world and maximizing your positive impact on the world, you’ll like this book * If you’ve thought about how to increase innovation and problem solving in the world, you’ll like this book * If you’ve thought about what makes great inventors or innovators great, and how to identify and encourage world-class talent, you’ll like this book * If you like books like “Sapiens,” “Poor Charlie’s Almanack,” “Elephant in the Brain,” “Principles,” you’ll like this book * If you have ADHD, you’ll like this book * If your job or passion involves trying to accurately forecast the future, you’ll like this book The benefits you’ll get from this book * You’ll see how to achieve more, professionally * You’ll understand the ways your understanding of the 10,000 Hour rule has been wrong * You’ll better understand the path to world-class achievement * You’ll better understand how to spot potential world-class achievers * You’ll better understand how to forecast the future * You’ll better understand how to solve complex challenges where the answers aren’t obvious, both in your work and personal life Conclusion If you think that you\’ll benefit from it based on my above notes, I recommend buying it. If you\’re on the fence, listen to interviews with the author either on the \”Invest Like The Best\” or the \”Econtalk\” podcasts to get a better sense. After you read it Search YouTube and watch the talk called “Greatness Cannot Be Planned.” It extends the ideas from this book in a brilliant way. If you like the Greatness Cannot Be Planned, then you’ll also enjoy the following books: “So Good They Can’t Ignore You,” “Where Good Ideas Come From,” and the chapter on the evolution of technology from “The Evolution of Everything.” Also search google for the blog post “Focus May Be Your Worst Enemy in Biotech R&D” — it also resonates with the ideas from this book. P.S. If you’re a curious person, and you probably are because you’re looking at books and reading the reviews, definitely get this book! P.P.S. This book is the next “Sapiens.”
Review #2
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World audiobook streamming online
Apologies about alliteration, but this is one of those books that uses a mess of examples to drive home a general point. The narrator does an acceptable job delivering a sometimes interesting series of accounts that essentially state that specialists get bogged in their field while generalists drive real change. It will make you feel good if you’re the latter and it will offend you if that the former. As a former NPS ranger who has applied a natural history degree to the tech world, I enjoyed it, but I’m exactly the type who this book should please.
Review #3
Audiobook Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein
I am 50 something and her and CEO and people keep asking me what do I do now that I’ve peaked. I am nowhere close to being done and my contributing to my country, people of Guam or family. This book is in inspiration to all of us who have meandered our way through our lives to relative success but still feel like Caesar that our life has just begun!!
Review #4
Audio Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World narrated by Will Damron
Great book, especially today with so many soon-to-be parents and new parents planning, waiting on long lists and paying exorbitant $ on day care, with the hopes of giving their child a “head start.” Same is true for the parents putting young children in camps and paying professional coaches to teach them sports. This author debunks these approaches to instead focus on getting a broad array of experiences and allowing uncoached play first before specializing and formal training. After all, he says, you don’t know what your natural skills and interests will be until much later in life. The author does a great job of explaining that skills you’ve gathered in areas unrelated to the field you ultimately focus on is never wasted. It adds to your understanding and gives you a breadth of tools to utilize. It gives you Range. Lastly, I don’t understand reviews that say “it could have been shorter” because the authors point was made much earlier. The stories he shared were so fascinating that I couldn’t care less if his thesis was clear in the first chapter. If you enjoy books and learning stop trying to hack knowledge. If you read through the entire book he made this point as well. It’s a lifelong journey. Slow down and enjoy!
Review #5
Free audio Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World – in the audio player below
As someone who has a vast amount of hobbies and interests I found Range to be a very well informed look at the idealized nature of success based on having a wealth of experience to draw upon. Epstein is a wonderful writer whom I have enjoyed since his time at Sports Illustrated and Will Damron did a great job narrating the book. If you are someone in a field where innovation is the order of the day this book is for you. If you work in HR, Management, or College admissions, this is the book for you. Understanding how to look at all the salient data points to see the full story of a problem, product, or most importantly a person is broken down in Range to help you find the most successful teams in the last place you\’d think to look.