Reawakening the Dragon

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Reawakening the Dragon audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Reawakening the Dragon audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Reawakening the Dragon audiobook free

Reawakening the Dragon, is the 5th book in the Stonefire British Dragons series.It’s the amazing story of Kai Sutherland, head enforcer of the Stonefire dragons and Jane Hartley, a reporter who wants to get more into investigating the news not just reporting it.

Jane is out to make a name for herself no matter how high the cost. Starting with exposing the Carlisle hunters for who they really are. Kai on the other hand just wants to destroy the Carlisle hunters and be done with them. Things get even more interesting and heated between the two when Bram, leader of the Stonefire clan, makes Kai “babysit” Jane once they found out what she is working on and the fact that she is in mortal danger.Therefore Kai and Jane find themselves, much to Kai’s dismay, working the same case.

I really enjoyed reading Kai and Jane’s story and was happy that Jessie Donovan put them together. You could just feel the chemistry between the two of them when Kai first meet Jane back on Stonefire and his strong desire for her.

Review #2

Reawakening the Dragon series Stonefire Dragons

Jane Hartley is the tall, curvy, black haired, well built, confident TV journalist that interviewed Melanie Hall-McLeod and broke the news that Dragon-Shifters were not monsters in “Revealing the Dragons”, but just wanted to live like anyone else.

One growling, tattooed, muscled specimen of a male dragon-shifter which made her heart sputter and mouth water. Kai was not immune to Jane either. In fact when he saw her in the Fox and Stag Pub, Kai found himself thinking words like OURS and how it would be to……well you get the drift! Kai and Jane, when together, seem to ignite sparks and throw each other curves. It leaves Kai wrestling with his dragon and Jane trying to think up ways to get her dragon shifter naked! Oh and there’s this tiny problem about the dragon hunters that want all dragon-shifters eliminated! Jane and Kai continue to dance around one another as they pursue the Carlisle Dragon Hunters, baddies both really want to take down. Lust, Arousal, and Timing drive them both crazy.

Kai gets injured and Jane wants to take care of him. Each really wants the other in a very sensual way but something keeps interrupting them. Meetings, time appointments with doctors as, which make for a very frustrated pair. Kai’s dragon is driving him nearly batty with his wanting Jane as MINE, and he tells Kai in no uncertain terms!

The final installment of Reawakening the Dragon begins Jane and Kai finally getting what they have been craving all along. No more interruptions, no more meetings, Kai is healed enough, Dr Sid says it ok and they are both so ready for this mating. Kai and Jane are sensually drawn into a powerfully woven dance. Kai’s in-head conversations with his dragon about Jane are both insightful and amusing since they both try to “take control”. Jane and Kai fight for supremacy in this “fire” and “ice” love dance.

Jessie weaves the book with background and other characters from previous books and lets us see new ones. Her dragon series are interwoven in this fashion. Once you read one she hooks you with a good story so you crave to read them all! I have been a Jessie Donovan fan since I first read Sacrificed to the Dragon and look forward to the next one Dragons Dilemma!

Review #3

Audiobook Reawakening the Dragon by Jessie Donovan

Kai has known who his true mate was since he was a young dragon man. However she chose another and he learned to lock his feelings away. Now the head protector of Stonefire has a new lass in his eyesight, it will he do anything about it? Or continue to live a life focused just on the security of his clan?

After being granted the interview of a lifetime with Melanie Hall-Macleod on Stonfire lands Jane is out to continue to move her reporting career forward. Finding out where the Dragon hunters based camp may be located is key in moving up he ladder. But trouble and a bounty of her head leads her into a bind. Lucky for her Kai is there to help save her.

But can she survive her attraction to the dragonman? Will they be able to work together? And what lies ahead in their future?

Review #4

Audio Reawakening the Dragon narrated by Matthew Lloyd Davies

This book is about Kai and Jane. Kai is the head of security for the Stonefire Clan. And Jane is a reporter for the BBC but for this story she is out on her own. That is when Kai runs into her again. She is trying to hunt down the location of the dragon hunters to get a story. But when Kai see her in this shady bar and in disguised he just knows he had to get her out of there. And that is when they started to work together. But of course not everything can work out smooth. So enjoy the read and see how and what kind of trouble these two can get into ! !

Review #5

Free audio Reawakening the Dragon – in the audio player below

As much as I LOVE this series this book was a bit of a let down in the end I thought. There was SO much more potential for the end! It seemed as though the author was either tired of writing or was on a deadline and just figured that the ending was good enough. This book would have been a 5 star if it had gone farther in the end to be more satisfying for the reader. I really hope there is more to this story later because I’m sort if disappointed in this story. I was hoping for more for Kai actually.

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