Relight My Fire

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Relight My Fire audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Relight My Fire audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Relight My Fire audiobook free

Not only does this book have some excellent “fire-lighting” ideas, but it also has a deeply enthralling story. I like that I didn’t like the protagonist all the time – flawed characters are the best characters – and yet I was rooting for her all the way.


Review #2

Relight My Fire audiobook streamming online

I liked reading this book just as much as the first one. Very funny, realistic and easy to read. I almost haven’t stopped reading until I got to the end. Definitely recommend.


Review #3

Audiobook Relight My Fire by Joanna Bolouri

It was not bad, but I liked The List better


Review #4

Audio Relight My Fire narrated by Samara MacLaren

Relight My Fire, Joanna Bolouri

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Woman’s Fiction.

Gah, Woman’s Fiction I hate when we dismiss a whole sector of readers. Why do that? Why shouldn’t men read this? Ah well, rant over.

I Loved The List, a fabulous read. Maybe I just had over expectations for this but I didn’t find it as gripping, as funny, as can’t-stop-reading. I liked it, a lot but didn’t love it.
Oliver and Phoebe are wonderful, and Phoebe’s friends are great. Its lovely to see how they all are five years on. Phoebe though finds that each time she approaches Oliver he’s too tried, not in the mood, Molly needs something, and its suddenly a couple of moths since they’ve made love.
Phoebe’s list comes into play again and wow, what great ideas the two of them have. Soon they’re on full flow, unable to keep their hands of each other, just like the old days. It seems all their issues are sorted but are they? People from Phoebe’s past suddenly appear, and Oliver isn’t happy, then something comes out from him that shocked Phoebe ( and me). It caused a huge rift, and I understood how both felt. Its the kind of issues many couples face, and what can break a relationship if not dealt with properly and I so didn’t want that to happen.
Of course in all the drama are the usual comedic moments that characterized The List and lightened the seriousness of the novel. That was a great balance, not too bright and chippy to be considered fluff, not too deep and dark to be off-putting to readers who want a story to relax with. I love books like this that deal with real events, with issues we all face but also give me some bright moments and a HEA. I need that.
Overall its another great read but there were times I found myself drifting, not fully into the story, unlike The List where I found it impossible to put down. Its a good follow up, and was good to see how they were doing five years down the line.

Stars: Four, not up to the List for me, but a good read.

ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers


Review #5

Free audio Relight My Fire – in the audio player below

I really enjoyed Joanna Bolouri’s previous books, her stories are always a bit bonkers but hilarious and they are the perfect antidote after a stressful week. Relight My Fire is no different in this sense, it made me laugh out loud several times and I completely forgot about my life for a while.

This story focuses on Phoebe and Oliver, who starred in Joanna Bolouri’s debut The List and shared some crazy sexual adventures back then. Things are not that wild right now though, after a few years together and a daughter, they can’t even remember the last time they had proper sexy sex. Not only that, they are distant with each other in their daily life. So Phoebe decides it’s time for couple counseling.

As you can imagine, the counseling is not your traditional kind, but quite a creative one, so our main characters embark in a few more sexual adventures. I have to say though that I didn’t expected some of the secrets revealed during this process and the story kept my attention completely captured. There were also a couple more plot-lines to complement the main one, so you were never bored with the story and things kept happening.

Relight My Fire is hilarious, rude and highly entertaining. It keeps up with the fun tone of The List but it can still be read as a stand alone. So why not check it out?


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