Running from the Deity audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Running from the Deity audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Running from the Deity audiobook free
Book number ten (in reading order) of a fifteen book space opera with psi series. I reread the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Del Rey in 2006 that I bought new since I cannot find my copy in my packed books. I will continue to read through the series. BTW, the next book in the series is \”Bloodhype\” which was published in 1983. Flinx has his own FTL spaceship, the Teacher, built and given to him by the Ulru-Ujurrians. Flinx and Pip have stopped on the planet of Arrawd located in the Blight, for repairs to the Teacher. Teacher lands itself on the planet and proceeds to extract the minerals needed for the repairs. I am guessing that Teacher not only has mining equipment, it also has 3D printer capabilities which is cool and needful. As usual, trouble both follows and precedes Flinx and his sidekick especially as the planet is interdicted by the Commonwealth since the inhabitants are at the beginning of their steam age.
Review #2
Running from the Deity audiobook in series Pip & Flinx (chronological order)
First contact/religion stuff concerning the oddly-shaped, steam-era residents of a world out in the Blight. The pacing is a bit slow. At the end, the overarching story line (the doom coming to the Milky Way) is advanced a little before Flinx is set to another side-quest. The book is charming in places. It\’s not the coolest of the series, but if you like Flinx, get it.
Review #3
Audiobook Running from the Deity by Alan Dean Foster
Enjoyed this read for the thought provoking encounters and religious undertones. If it could go wrong it did, as usual, with PIP and Flinx. Each wrong turn had a thoughtful purpose that showed a human value or frailty. This all gets thrown into a mix of corruption and social infighting over, who else, but Pip and Flinx. He manages to stay above the fray but completely in a state of complication due to the natives manipulations or his own inability to see through it. It is a set of fun characters that teach lessons about conditions that are very human like for an alien race and setting.
Review #4
Audio Running from the Deity narrated by Stefan Rudnicki
Foster writes like I wish I could. Our present political world, with the \”deniers\” speaking so loudly, could certainly use the outstanding English language that is written in this book. Unfortunately, the \”deniers\” are not intelligent enough to appreciate this well written novel.
Review #5
Free audio Running from the Deity – in the audio player below
I really enjoyed this book in the series. Its main point seeme to be to give us more to know about Flinx and how much he still has to learn about life in general. I won\’t bore you with a plot summary because other reviewers are fond of doing that. I think anyone who enjoyed the other books in the series will like this one if they take it for what it is, a fun little episode not completely about the overreaching arc of the series. I still hope one day that Flinx can have the life he wants. I can\’t wait to read the next one.