Sauced (Lacey Luzzi Mafia Mysteries #4) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Sauced (Lacey Luzzi Mafia Mysteries #4) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Sauced (Lacey Luzzi Mafia Mysteries #4) audiobook free
Great Book would recommend this book and the entire series. Really enjoyed the narrator. Interesting read.
Review #2
Sauced (Lacey Luzzi Mafia Mysteries #4) audiobook streamming online
The Fish is an unrealistic bad guy. No bad guy would just let Meg and Lacey have a touching to the girls, frivolous to him, conversation for 10 minutes while holding them at gunpoint in a car. Nor does anyone react to a standoff happening at a party? They just go on like nothing happened as soon as the gunman left. Lacey also asks a lot of questions that were already answered or so heavily implied that there is no reason to ask it. And she cuts people off and is dismissive of other characters that are trying to tell her something. For instance, when Anthony was opening up at the end, she was like, \”This was your house? That\’s nice. I know you want to share your story with me right now but why don\’t you hold off and tell me later?\” Plus, the surprise party was so obvious. How Lacey didn\’t figure it out makes her look stupid. I do like this series but this entry was weak.
Review #3
Audiobook Sauced (Lacey Luzzi Mafia Mysteries #4) by Gina LaManna
Another fun part if the series. Getting some of that romantic closure I\’ve been waiting for. Ha!
Review #4
Audio Sauced (Lacey Luzzi Mafia Mysteries #4) narrated by Caitlin Kelly
could not stop listening – sat in car in summer heat to listen – wow – can\’t wait for next one (please get the rest of this series on audible)
Review #5
Free audio Sauced (Lacey Luzzi Mafia Mysteries #4) – in the audio player below
I enjoy listening to Lacey Luzzie Mafia Mysteries. The narrator is amazing as always. Meg is my favorite voice. And I\’m so happy about Lacey and Anthony. This is a great series.