Shadows of Sound audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Shadows of Sound audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.
Review #1
Shadows of Sound audiobook free
Pleasant tale of murder where main characters will live happily ever after – despite gloomy Glasgow setting. It’s s “Scottish cozy”.
Review #2
Shadows of Sound audiobook in series DCI Lorimer
I’m rapidly becoming a fan of Alex Gray. This is this is third of his novels that I’ve read, more please.
Review #3
Audiobook Shadows of Sound by Alex Gray
This is the next in the series of Glasgow based murders to be solved by DCI Lorimer and his team. I must admit to being slightly distracted by the venue of the crimes (the Royal Concert Hall) as I know it quite well and kept trying to imagine basement rooms and a trap door in the stage which I wasn’t sure existed although they probably do! That being said, the story held my attention and I was unable to guess whodunnit until the very end. I was interested enough to buy the next in the series which I am currently reading but I still feel that some of that interest is generated by familiarity with the locations.
Review #4
Audio Shadows of Sound narrated by David Monteath
Oh I’m thrilled. Found myself another good detective novel writer who has written loads of books. Am currently up to number 5 in the series. Thoroughly enjoying them.
Review #5
Free audio Shadows of Sound – in the audio player below
More I read and catch up on the William Lorimer books, the more I like this series by Alex Gray. The balance of the interweaving story lines between his private life and his work is great. You get just enough insight of his home life without it overshadowing the crime. Love the Glasgow setting. I have ordered the next book to bury my head in.
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