The Babysitter audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Babysitter audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Babysitter audiobook free
…or very naughty nanny in the case of The Babysitter, who enters the lives of one poor family intent on destruction and hell-bent on snagging the hapless, innocent and horse-blind husband for herself, and oh, yeah- she wants a baby, too. And maybe a sister. But she does NOT want the hapless, naive and slowly crumbling, mentally deconstructing wife in the picture. Enter some fairly clever ways to infiltrate the family, take over mothering duties by slowly incapacitating Mom, and inch her way into wifely duties, too. Did I mention there’s a kidnapping case going on? Dad’s a high-up police detective who works 9-5 and takes a lot of time off to care for his suddenly nuts wife while the case lingers in the ether unsolved and Dad-Detective’s smart cop partner is stymied by the stupidness of this family. Plenty of gratuitous sex, innuendo, cliche and annoying cutesy baby-talk. And the correct term for a live-in full -time child carer is ‘nanny.’ That bugged me! While the narration was good (except for annoying kid which isn’t her fault) I would pass this one over as predictable and pedestrian- there are better psychological thrillers out there.
Review #2
The Babysitter audiobook streamming online
I\’m sorry but this book started out very good but as I read on I was so annoyed with how unbelievably STUPID!!!! These two parents were. what kind of parent just hire some random woman to watch her two children without doing a background check. They knew this woman for a grand total of one day and they ask her to be there live in babysitter. All this woman had to do was say she had degrees in some form of childcare and they say \”ok move in watch over our little baby and young child\” And all this without a background check. And the father was a cop so he should already know better. And also that young child couldn\’t have been more Irritating. She was working at my nerves every time she spoke. I almost didn\’t finish the book because the kid was so annoying. I\’m sorry but so many things about this book were so beyond the realm of reality. It wasn\’t horrible, but I don\’t think I would read again. I was very excited when I read the reviews because it sounded really good, but I didn\’t agree. But to each his own
Review #3
Audiobook The Babysitter by Sheryl Browne
I tried several times to listen to this book and I just could not get into the storyline. I did not finish this book and that is unusual for me, I will usually keep with one until the end. This book reminded me a lot of the movie with Rebecca DeMornay called The Hand That Rocks The Cradle.
Review #4
Audio The Babysitter narrated by Tamsin Kennard
could not finish waste of ti e and oney never again will I try this writer
Review #5
Free audio The Babysitter – in the audio player below
The story had potential but missed the mark for me, too many things that didn’t make sense. Tamsin Kenard is one of my favorite narrators and as usual did a good job with a not so good book