The Growing Season audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Growing Season audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Growing Season audiobook free
I literally could not put this book down!!! A beautifully written true story of one woman\’s incredible journey to beat the odds of her tough childhood and family life to become an embodiment of the \”American Dream.\” A dream that today may feel somewhat distant in many of our minds, but Sarah\’s story reminds us why it\’s SO important, especially when things are hard, to keep our hope and aspiration alive and to never give up on ourselves and our dreams. Highly recommend this book and know it\’s one I will come back to read time and time again, especially when I need some inspiration! Bravo to the \”Pumpkin Queen!\”
Review #2
The Growing Season audiobook streamming online
Wonderful, unique American success story about a female entrepreneur who evolved her family\’s legacy into a business driven by family, passion and doing the right thing. To be honest I didn\’t know anything about Sarah Frey prior to reading the book. I have been familiar with the company\’s Tsamma Watermelon Juice for years, it\’s my favorite fresh juice! Recently a colleague saw a bottle of it on my desk and said \”Did you know the farm where they make that juice is the largest pumpkin producer in the United States?\”. Curious I did a search about the company and stumbled upon this book. I read it in one afternoon, I couldn\’t put it down! What a remarkable story, one that is rarely told. Frey is a pull yourself up by your bootstraps kind of heroine and managed to survive a very hardscrabble childhood with nothing more than guts and determination. What also shone through was the family bond she shares with her brothers and extended family. A farm girl selling melons out of a pickup truck who wouldn\’t take \”no\” for an answer. With today\’s endless noise of overnight \”success stories\”- the razzle dazzle of the tech world, social media \”celebrities\”, overpaid sports stars and Fortune 500 CEOs who\’ve never gotten dirt under their fingernails this was a really refreshing, true story about a girl with a dream and little else. She made it come true and then some. Loved that she didn\’t wait until retirement to write this book and truly hope there is a follow up book and a cookbook some day too!
Review #3
Audiobook The Growing Season by Sarah Frey
This book reads like a work of fiction because Sarah’s story is incredible but true. The book is well written and will immerse you in her childhood experiences. This book is for those who have the entrepreneurial spirit, for those who want to change their life direction, who love farming, who believe in the American Dream, or who want to remember growing up during the 1970’s-1980’s. The span of her life is huge—from simple beginnings to incredible success, which was all earned by grit and determination. You won’t be able to put the book down!
Review #4
Audio The Growing Season narrated by Sarah Frey
A few months ago I drove to Frey Farms to pick up some corn and watermelons. Sarah Frey came up to our car, took our order and handed me a flier about her book. I was eager to read her story as her farm business has been a part of our town for the last few years. She was also so kind when we met her at the produce drive-thru. I received this book last week. I read the entire book in two days. It was beautifully written and an easy read. The story of Sarah and her brothers is one of strength and hard work. There is something for everyone in this book. I plan to recommend it to others!
Review #5
Free audio The Growing Season – in the audio player below
I loved this book. Sarah Frey is such an inspiration to all hard working Americans. Her story is amazing.