The Hive Queen (Wings of Fire #12) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Hive Queen (Wings of Fire #12) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Hive Queen (Wings of Fire #12) audiobook free
The book was alright, but it didn\’t have that special feel to it that is in the other books. Pros: – It was Humorous. -The Author did a good job writing from Cricket\’s point of view. -And there were some twists in the plot i never saw coming. Cons: -My number one problem with this book is that Sundew the Leafwing mentions that she has a true love. Well, it\’s not that she is in love that bothers me. What bothers me is that she is apparently in love with Another female Leafwing. That\’s right, Southerland made Sundew GAY. And this fact ruins Sundews character for the rest of the book, Because not only is she gay, but she brings it up ALL THE TIME. (Just in case we didn\’t know, Southerland is prepared to cram it down our throats.) -Back on the mainland with Moonwatcher and Company, it appears that all of the animuses have lost their power. The Author has not cleared up why this happened, but I have a problem with the fact that gentle,sweet,Turtle became suddenly hostile towards Quibli,.Accusing him of BREAKING Turtle\’s Animus gifts. -Oh,And in the beginning, Tsunami and Turtle set out to find the Lost Continent, but in the End Moonwatcher informs Luna (Who has accomplished nothing the book) That the Lost Continent was coming to them. In summary, it seems that all of the characters are a mess. Tui Southerland can\’t make up her mind on what each character\’s Personality is, making the book a confusing blend of decent,bad,and kind of weird. (And please,please,get rid of the Gay relationships!) I would suggest getting the book, but be prepared for the worst.
Review #2
The Hive Queen (Wings of Fire #12) audiobook streamming online
My son has enjoyed all the Wings of Fire books until now. This book has been a huge disappointment with the author writing in a relationship between two female dragons. Just unnecessary especially 11 books into the series. We are done with Wings of Fire.
Review #3
Audiobook The Hive Queen (Wings of Fire #12) by Tui T. Sutherland
But as for an actual review: Reading from Cricket\’s perspective was amazing and, at times, so sad. This series continues to blow me away with the relevance to kids, teens, and even adults\’ lives. Cricket informs us right off the bat that her parents can\’t stand her and that her mother left the family to go \”pursue her dreams.\” So many people I know have dealt with similar issues, and it\’s sad and hard to see. Cricket is still dealing with this, even though she\’s never liked her mother. Cricket\’s character grows and learns throughout the book, though her questions never cease. I enjoyed seeing her bubbly attitude and realistic look at life take the radicals aback in how she simply laid out what would happen if the LeafWings went straight into war and attacked the HiveWings and burned the hives. Death, and most of it innocent people. The first series arc started in the middle of a war with the Dragonets of Destiny dealing with the repercussions of a pointless war. This series is now taking the side of \”what do you do after a genocide;\” is it OK for retaliation or do things need to be left? What should be done. The characters, Cricket especially, struggle with these questions because wrongs have been done, yet another genocide is not the answer. Cricket starts to see her HiveWing world for the horrific slave-trade/indentured servant world that it is, at it\’s a culture shock for her to see how badly her world suffers from racism. All-in-all, I loved watching Cricket understand the repercussions of genocide and racism and watching her come to understand that the HiveWings are a racist society towards everyone else.
Review #4
Audio The Hive Queen (Wings of Fire #12) narrated by Shannon McManus
Love and hate how fast-paced the book was. It was amazing reading it, but I hate the fact that books end and before reading one I constantly get my hopes super high, have them exceeded for a few hours, then am sad for a year or so until the next book comes out. I will now wait patiently COME ON POISON JUNGLE I MUST READ YOU!!!!!! (I think Sutherland\’s fun writing style is affecting me ?) Wow. Forgive my ranting. Anyway, I though I would miss Qibli and Winter and Kinkajou and Moon and Turtle but now I will miss Blue and Cricket and Swordtail and Sundew and even Bumblebee whenever this story arc ends too soon. I can\’t stress how good this series has been. Only Ranger\’s Apprentice, Eragon, and Percy Jackson were as fun to read and as stinking ADDICTIVE. READ. THIS. BOOK.
Review #5
Free audio The Hive Queen (Wings of Fire #12) – in the audio player below
I wish I could give this 6 stars! except for the fact that the first 70 pages or so were a little boring, but the rest definitely makes up for it. the thing I\’m confused about, is, in another review it mentions Sundew being Gay, but it never said that, and I only caught a few references to a dragon named Willow. Anyways, the book was so amazing, and it\’s funny that cricket is in love with blue, but she doesn\’t know if he likes her back, whereas it was the exact opposite in the eleventh book, I\’m sad that no more books will be in cricket or blue\’s perspectives. There was so many amazing twists, and I keep thinking that Tui T. Sutherland can\’t top herself, but she does! I own the whole series now, and I am so happy!