The Power of Ritual

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The Power of Ritual audiobook

Hi, are you looking for The Power of Ritual audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

The Power of Ritual audiobook free

As the title says, this would have been better as a series of articles on the subject through maybe Vox or The Atlantic. It’s certainly short enough. Although I appreciate that the author made space for secular folks and recognizes the growing number of us “none”’s, there were SO MANY eyeroll moments as he discussed topics like: divinity, transcendence, meditation, prayer, new moon rituals, and one aura massage… Not this atheist’s cup of tea, I guess. There are many many helpful statistics, study findings, and quotes from religious & secular leaders alike. Love the data. However the book is easily half memoir, and though his childhood sounds like an incredible montessori fantasy upbringing, it’s like the ramblings of an old high school friend who begs you to subscribe to their humble-bragging blog and every little memory is just oh so precious and how they struggled to find themselves and they probably like crystals. I find the tone a bit gross too, lots of self help books are doing it now. As if they’re a mentor talking you through something with patronizing phrases like “trust me…”, “I know how this sounds”, and “you never have to do xyz, mmkay?” There are some lessons I’ll probably glean from the first couple of chapters, like how exercise and food can work to bond people together, and how rereading your favorite books (like the Harry Potter series) can help you become a better person. Maybe I’ll be more “intentional” with my self-care routine. To be fair, the performance was excellent, the author seems like a generally likable person, I just don’t have any interest in becoming any kind of spiritual at least not in the ways he’s describing. Everyone else seems to have rated it very highly, so take my words with a grain of salt. This was my book club’s pick for the month and I was initially excited to start reading, hoping maybe to add more mindfulness to my day and find ways to better connect to my community, nature, and self. This is not that. This is a book for your friend who believes in essential oils and that mermaids are real. 3 people found this helpful


Review #2

The Power of Ritual audiobook streamming online

Casper\’s lovely British voice guides listeners through techniques and practices that offer accessible solutions to those feeling overworked, lonely, and out of touch with sources of Joy. It is appropriate for religious and nonreligious. He cites peer reviewed research as well as includes light-hearted personal stories. This book is a well balanced treat. 3 people found this helpful


Review #3

Audiobook The Power of Ritual by Casper ter Kuile

I\’ve been a big fan of Casper and his work on the Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast for a while now. With The Power of Ritual, Casper delivers a well-researched guide to spiritual practices, and how they can be adapted to meet your needs and lifestyle. I found it really practical — I\’ve used it to help me deepen practices I was already doing, such as walking with my dog and reading a book. it\’s made me more aware of my self in relation to others and the world at large. I loved hearing Casper tell personal stories of spiritual growth. Not only did they complement the practices he described, but they also made the idea of spirituality more accessible. It really felt like a friend giving me pearls of wisdom. I hope I find myself re-reading this book in times when I feel lost or disconnected. 3 people found this helpful


Review #4

Audio The Power of Ritual narrated by Casper ter Kuile

The mocking tone throughout of the Christian community or other religious communities made it difficult to get any nuggets of wisdom I was looking for out of this book. 2 people found this helpful


Review #5

Free audio The Power of Ritual – in the audio player below

Loved the stories and actionable advice on how to make more meaningful rituals in your life!! 1 person found this helpful


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