The Right Attitude to Rain audiobook
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Review #1
The Right Attitude to Rain audiobook free
The book is a very pleasant read and I enjoy the central character up to a point, and that is where we part ways. As Hemingway noted, \”they find problems where there aren\’t any.\” It\’s very odd. In one particular scene, the central character tells of Russian immigrants grieving from the loss of their culture from Communistic brutality, and yet the same character is continually pressing for solutions that would support that end.
Review #2
The Right Attitude to Rain audiobook in series Isabel Dalhousie
I first happened upon Alexander McCall Smith by way of his VERY FAMOUS \”Ladies Detective Series.\” Many of my friends had also read this and siad that nothing else he wrote was as good as LADIES DECTECTVE; in fact, his other books were bummers. Perhaps, I thought, but he is SO Good. Surely some of his other works are good. Then the CORDUROY MANSIONS SERIES came out and I was hooked again. So, then, ever so gingerly, I tried THE ISABEL DALHOUSIE BOOKS. The first one was quite a chore to wade on through, but then things picked up with CHOCOLATE. I have JUST completed THE RIGHT ATTITUDE TO RAIN and was thrilled with it. Finally again, Smith has created a good friend in the guise of a book. Something I can come home to, sit down with and enjoy in a slow and lazy way. Something to be had with a glass of wine, not a tall cup of coffee laced with caffeine. This series is for pleasant enjoyment and like the DETECTIVE SERIES, it is laced with truisms about the world, how it should be, and how one should treat his human, animal and plant companions that share it with him…in a manner of Godly respect as opposed to being first and taking advantage of all. Isabel has become my friend and she is both wise and a provider of good, encouraging, thoughtful company. As an avid reader, I prefer novels with the following qualities: 1. Multiple, entangled plots that lead to territories unexpected 2. A manageable number of regarding the cast of characters…twenty or so is about right. Over 35 is too much trouble. 3. Presentation of history, as well as current events, regarding the area or the people presented. Isabel lives in Scotland and the book is peppered with facts about the history of the Scots. Also, as the series emerges, a histoy of the characters is also given. I like to learn while I read. 4. Philosophical points and discussions should occur 5. And mostly, I suppose, plot twists should make me long to stay up all night to see what happens. 6. The end should be a resolution of some sort and I prefer the positive. Or a Surprise is always fun. THE RIGHT ATTITUDE TO RAIN PROVIDES ALL OF THESE. Since this is the 3rd book in the series, the main characters are fairly well known, but development continues and new people are introduce who add greatly to the story. We already know that Isabel is 40 something, divorced, a philosopher by trade, who has adequate monies thanks to her mother. Additionally, she is a bit nosey and get involved in the business of others a bit too often…but she must do so for a tale to be told. Actually, she is quite a good detective with philosophy as a sideline, but the author has yet to inform her; hence, the basis for the books. As the book begins we find her transported to her usual realm: she is in a Scottish Cafe observing those around her. A lot of the dialogue is in the form of her thoughts and one easily becomes accustomed to this. She notes a poorly matched couple, he ugly but refined, she pretty but vacuous, who are behaving poorly by Scot standars.But they are Americans, so they are forgiven. This couple maintains about a third of the action within. They provide mismatched love with each party yearning for another in the book. Then there is a bit of action as She attempts to kill Him. And a bit More Action when she gets serious about murder and lights fire to make her point. She loves to spend his money and pick up other lovers. He acts at being lovelorn, but we are not certain. They are delightful and Isabel provides too much advice and muddles things up for both of them. Isabel\’s cousin and her husband come for an extended (several month) stay from Dallas, Texas. From them we learn a bit more about Isabel. Her sainted mother was not too saintly and Isabel is following in her tracks. The cousin, Mimi, points out that the mother perferred a certain type of lover and Notify\’s startled Isabel that she is 1. in love and 2. has picked the same type of lover her mother had chosen. The love story consumes about half the book and its twists and turns take up another half to a third of the book. History lessons, witticisims and wise thoughts and sayings happened regularly. I now know quite a bit about the life and death of Mary Queen of Scots. She was a busy little rascal in the love/males department before she lost her head. I had no idea. Other royalty were mentioned including some strange old tradition in which people used to \”gas\” kittens, then have them stuffed and posed as if they were human…perhaps as a group playing musical instruments, or as children playing with toys. A small factoid and, in my opinion, a particularly bizarre and gross one. My favorite moral idea for us to ponder was the following: p. 221 in my book: \”most of our luxuries were purchased at the expense of somebody\’s suffering and deprivation elsewhere.\” (It immediately brought to mind the \’brand name\’ shoes I bought which were purchased from Amazon, but made in Brazil.\” Will I be able to continue to wear them without guilt? That is a question for Isabel Delhousie. And, lots of geography was described and discussed. I did not know that it was light all the time, or for all practical purposes, in Scotland during the summer months. Nor, was I aware that rain, or a hint of rain, or a downpour, or a slashing sideways gale are contants. (I know I will not melt, but I do prefer my sunny Arizona…just FYI.) Someone gets pregnant unexpectedly during the course of the book. So, it was life as usual for Isabel. There were people, a bit of snooping, lots of conjecturing, an arson, a try at murder and other tasty tidbits. The end was a bombshell. I loved it. I really like this genre and have finally come to like or tolerate, all of Mr. Smith\’s people. None are so fabulous as the Detective Ladies, but I think this series runs a really close second and have already ordered the next two books. Hope you will enjoy also!!!!!
Review #3
Audiobook The Right Attitude to Rain by Alexander McCall Smith
This book was a great disappointment. I don\’t know what I expected after the very good second book, but it certainly was not this. The Right Attitude to Rain reads like a long, ponderouss, unfunny episode of Seinfeld. For all of its credentials, it is essentially a book about nothing- except lusting after a younger man. While I am happy to see that this book was subtitled \”An Isabel Dalhouse Novel\” instead of \”Mystery\”, I think this book would have been more appropriately labeled \”Romance\”, since the sole purpose of the book seemed to focus on when and how Isabel would get together with Jaime. Unfortunately, this book was not much of a romance, either. I could not relate to it on any front. I am actually the same age as the main character, married to a younger man and without children. I am an inquisitive and educated person. I have been to Scotland and have met many people like the ones described in the book. Despite all of the similarities, this book just rings false to me. This new relationship between Jaime and Isabel(friends with benefits?) is not in the least bit romantic. Isabel has to be the worst \”detective\” ever, frequently and repeatedly jumping to wrong conclusions throughout the series. For someone big on examining the morality and ethics of others, she is remarkably blind to her own. Whether Cat had rejected Jaime or not, surely an affair with a man who is the ex-lover of one\’s niece and closest living blood relative warrants some kind of moral/ethical debate. It is shocking to me that Isabel was taken aback at Cat\’s reaction to her new relationship with Jaime. I would have been suprised if her response had been anything other than it was. I don\’t think it should have taken a philosopher to anticipate that. Isabel\’s constant pining over Jamie, and his seeming almost indifference to her, really wore on me. I forced myself to finish this book. A very sad end to what had been a good series. I know another book follows this one, but I will not be reading it. I have had enough of the self-absorbed and self-righteousness musings of Isabel Dalhousie.
Review #4
Audio The Right Attitude to Rain narrated by Davina Porter
This third volume in the series, unlike its two predecessors, does not profess to be a mystery. But even when Isabel is not sleuthing, she is always thinking and speculating and opining. In this case, a wealthy American bachelor comes to Edinburgh with his fiancée in tow. Does Angie really love Tom, or is she just after his money? Isabel puts her talents to work in teasing out the answer. While awaiting her verdict, we once again meet up with Isabel\’s closest cohorts. Grace, the daily housekeeper inherited from her father, is given to shrewd and laconic utterances and an abiding interest in the paranormal. Cat, Isabel\’s niece and next of kin, is the alluring-yet-edgy owner of a gourmet shop and deli who is prone to involve herself with unsuitable men, none of whom last very long. And Brother Fox is, in fact, a fox who has taken up residence in Isabel\’s yard. They take a keen interest in each other while keeping a safe distance apart. And then there\’s Jamie, Cat\’s rejected suitor who is 14 years younger than Isabel. He\’s a concert bassoonist without much money (in contrast to her millions), and Isabel has fallen in love with him. You\’ll have to read the book to find out the latest twist in their relationship . . .
Review #5
Free audio The Right Attitude to Rain – in the audio player below
Beautifully written – full of characters, whose mundane life’s become entwined, allowing Isabel to shine as she continues to use her sleuthing skills to the best of her ability; I find myself recommending these stories to someone, who enjoys watching the characters unfold over time and as the reader, we can be privy to their secret thoughts! This author I am slightly biased towards, his stories are always worth a 4/5 star. Enjoy!