The Scions of Shannara audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Scions of Shannara audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Scions of Shannara audiobook free
The power of the elf stones is still kicking. This time, generations later, it has bestowed the gifts of elf magic on the Shannara descendants. And of course they are once again called on by Allanon (I thought he was long gone) to help save the world from dark magic. This time, they aren\’t all so eager to jump into the quest. I love that they have doubts and worry if they are doing the right thing. While they split into three main groups and we only truly see the details of Par and his brother\’s search for the mythical Sword of Shannara. It was quite an adventure and Terry Brooks has really grown as a write between the original Shannara series and this one. Things are a little less predictable and there are some truly exciting scenes that will have you on the edge of your seat. But Par\’s story isn\’t quite over, the world is not saved by the end of the book. It will continue to be at risk until all three groups have completed their quests (the next two books I\’m assuming). I am really looking forward to them.
Review #2
The Scions of Shannara audiobook streamming online
This is a book that takes a while to get into. the Shannara series tends to jump around and talk about events the reader may or may not be familiar with. It picks up about halfway through and becomes a great book that is hard to put down and was well worth reading the first half. There were a few plot twists but the overall story was pretty predictable. The characters were well developed but overall they were relatively predictable as well.
Review #3
Audiobook The Scions of Shannara by Terry Brooks
And a great series , love all of the Shannara books and keep returning to reread. I recommend this series to all .y family and friends
Review #4
Audio The Scions of Shannara narrated by John Lee
This book is written in typical Brooks fashion; lots of action and suspense. The characters come to life and you actually feel that they are a part of you. Again, the Ohmsford family is at the center of the story. This time, the brothers Par and Coll, as well as Wren and Walker Boh, are each given different quests by the shade Allanon, who has been dead for 300 years. The Shadowen have appeared and threaten to destroy the Four Lands unless they can be stopped. Par is to find the legendary Sword of Shannara, Walker is to find the Black Elfstone which will restore the Druids, and Wren is to discover the missing Elves. Other intriguing characters are introduced, such as Padashar Creel, Steff, Teel, and Garth. The action in this book is intense, and the characters come to life. I have read the first Shannara series, as well as the Landover series and the Word and Void series, and this is book is one of the best.
Review #5
Free audio The Scions of Shannara – in the audio player below
I have loved Terry Brooks forever it seems. I will always love his writings. The Shannara series was, is and always will be my favorite reads. This time around is my third time purchasing them, (all of them) and about my 20th time reading them.