The Tar-Aiym Krang audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Tar-Aiym Krang audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Tar-Aiym Krang audiobook free
Pip & Flix have been integral characters in my life since they were first published. A story of interstellar coming of age that truly transcends time, ethnicity and gender. Every time I have read these stories, as I too have aged, I find new insights to reflect upon that impact my thoughts, and concepts that I previously never saw, nor understood; as though they continue to polish and refine them as I age. Truly a masterpiece waiting to be found by those looking for clarifying and understanding oneself.
Review #2
The Tar-Aiym Krang audiobook in series Pip & Flinx (chronological order)
Despite the title, this is chronologically book two of this series as Flinx is now 17 . The series starts with his childhood and progresses to age 16 in For Love Of Mother Not. Here is Flinx a bit more at ease and in control of his abilities getting into a real adventure as he leaves the planet Moth for the first time. With several intriguing companions who are investigating the ancient remains of the Tar-aiym civilization he proves his value over numerous occasions. They are searching for a artifact known as the Krang. Sci-fi at its best.
Review #3
Audiobook The Tar-Aiym Krang by Alan Dean Foster
I have read three in this series and have great affection for the redheaded boy and his minidrag. The adventure in the 1st book of this series reminded me of Stargate, Rendezvous with Rama and Forbidden Planet; entering into an ancient structure too big and vast to fathom what it could have been built for many millennia before let alone how. The merry band of travelers each carried their own merits and faults but I still found them to be people worth knowing. I however still find I wish to follow Flinx and Pip to see how their bond develops, getting into boundless mischief, no doubt.
Review #4
Audio The Tar-Aiym Krang narrated by Stefan Rudnicki
I got this book because I got another in the series for free on my Kindle quite a while ago, so I wanted to start from the beginning. It was a very interesting fantasy/science fiction mix with a touch of futuristic allure. Pip and Flinx are very interesting characters. I think most people who like either fantasy or science fiction or both would enjoy this book. I have one warning for people who read this series. The book order for this series is in the wrong order if you want to read the books in the order in which they were published. The correct order can be found at, and I hope this is ok to put in the review, the Fantastic Fiction website at [..] I have alerted Amazon to the series order problem twice, but I haven\’t gotten a response as of yet as I write this. I hope everyone who does either sample or buy this book does enjoy it.
Review #5
Free audio The Tar-Aiym Krang – in the audio player below
I\’m afraid that I was not as enthusiastic about this book as the other reviewers. I liked For Love of Mother-Not. There was lots of action and some mystery that wasn\’t fully resolved at the end. For the most part, this book is not a continuation of the issues in Mother-Not. Mother Mastiff plays a small role at the beginning of the book and is then left behind. I don\’t know if this means that she\’s bowing out of the series because I\’m reading it in order. I thought she was a good character, however, so I hope she makes her way back in. There was also very little new information on the backgrounds of Pip or Flinx. Maybe it won\’t be possible to do more with Pip\’s background, but it seems like there could be more there. The culmination of this book gave a hint of a possible future book on Flinx\’s background, but not much more. I like action, and there was surprisingly little of it here. It was almost like a transition building up to a later book, but the transition itself was kind of disappointing.