Time’s Convert (All Souls Universe #1)

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Time’s Convert (All Souls Universe #1) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Time’s Convert (All Souls Universe #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Time’s Convert (All Souls Universe #1) audiobook free

I was so excited for this book to come out. I even read the first couple of chapters when it appeared on my Kindle after midnight. I loved the trilogy so much and re-read it recently so that everything was fresh in my mind. I loved Marcus. I couldn’t wait to find out how his relationship with Phoebe developed from the meeting at Sotheby’s when he bought Diana and Matthew’s miniatures. I was beyond impatient to read how their epic love story unfolded. Finally, when my Kindle was at about 85%, I realized it wasn’t happening. Honestly, 36+ hours later, I am still really deflated and upset about it. Actually, as I write this, I’m getting riled up again, and more depressed. I mean, when else will we find out all those details? Not in another book, right? We don’t even see them as a couple until the end. None of the care taken building Matthew and Diana’s relationship is there. Their connection is so deep and layered and romantic and intricate. Not so with Marcus and Phoebe. Why do Phoebe and Marcus love each other? What was so deep, everlasting and special about their relationship that convinced Phoebe to turn into a vampire? It’s like a whole BIG section is missing from the book. And, outside of the missing relationship, there’s also no real path or connection for Marcus to the present after New Orleans — we’re just left in the dark after his chastisement for the next 200+ years to modern day. And we really know nothing about Phoebe except for a few comments about painting and ballet and her upper-crust upbringing. Wouldn’t it have been interesting to actually read about her telling her family Marcus is a vampire and oh, she’s going to turn into one instead of meeting them when they already know and she’s saying goodbye/goodnight before the process begins?
I feel terrible complaining because the book is beautifully written and the attention to history and detail is phenomenal. I was counting the days and minutes until this released. And I loved, loved, loved the twins and glimpses into Matthew and Diana’s continuing life. Maybe this book tried to satisfy too many themes? On another note, I love Gallowglass and want him to find his true love — but now that I’ve been disappointed by Marcus and Phoebe, will he get a chance? He so deserves it. But will the same lack of attention happen?? That’s what I’m afraid of! I’m going to give myself a little while to cool off and read it again. Maybe I missed something?


Review #2

Time’s Convert (All Souls Universe #1) audiobook streamming online

I loved author Deborah Harkness previous trilogy and was excited about this new work. I eagerly read it and quickly remembered the characters and the basic story, even though it has been awhile since I last read about them. This book, Times Convert, lacks focus, and I kept feeling as though I was being set up to read a multi-story arc that wouldnt make sense until the final story. Those are my least favorite types of series; I prefer series that engage readers in character development and new adventures rather than piecemeal tales. This book has three partial stories, none of which are really very rewarding by books end. Phoebe becomes a vampire, Marcus reveals his human past and very early vampire years and Matthew and Dianas twins begin to develop real personalities. The Phoebe/Marcus story could have been a good book or the twins could have been a good book but this was not enough anything to be a really good story. I remain hungry for more


Review #3

Audiobook Time’s Convert (All Souls Universe #1) by Deborah Harkness

Loved all souls–which grabbed you from the beginning. In this book, nothing happens. We already knew phoebe planned to become a vampire. And she did. We already knew Marcus was in the revolutionary war and lived in Nola. Now we know more but care less. This author is better than this series of historical vignettes. Maybe something will happen in the next book, but I won’t buy it the day it comes out…will wait for reviews. This is all background info and no story.


Review #4

Audio Time’s Convert (All Souls Universe #1) narrated by Saskia Maarleveld

If youre expecting another great book similar to the All Souls Trilogy (in terms of storyline, action and character development) you will likely be somewhat disappointed. The book doesnt really get interesting until around page 200. The back story on Marcus is at times quite tedious and feels a bit like a vanity piece for the author to write about the American and French Revolutionary periods. All that said, the last half of the book is entertaining and a fairly fun read. It was interesting to read about Phoebes transformation and revisit with Diana and Matthew a couple of years post-Book of Life. However, theres really not much of a compelling storyline here and the author struggles to pull together 3 story ideas into one cohesive book. If you loved Shadow of Night, you are more likely to enjoy this book, given the focus on historical references and atmosphere.

Im still a big fan of Deborah Harkness, but this book lacked the sparkle of her other brilliant efforts.


Review #5

Free audio Time’s Convert (All Souls Universe #1) – in the audio player below

I’m a fan of the series so was eagerly looking forward to this. I admit to feeling a bit flat. The book focusses on Marcus’ back story primarily, with sub-stories (I don’t think we can call them plots) about Phoebe, Diana, Matthew and the children.

Reading about Marcus’ growing up and becoming involved in the Revolutions in America and France was interesting enough. I loved reading about Diana and Matthew and their children. The transition of Phoebe – a minor character introduced in the later part of the Trilogy – was interesting too. But the whole thing felt a bit like it could have been a novella to support the main stories. It was almost like reading a biography of one of the secondary characters and while I love Marcus, I’m not sure he really merited such a weighty tome as his story doesn’t provide any revelations that will be taken forward to the next books. Nothing really happened in this book generally to drive the story forward. Characters from previous books wandered in, presumably to be name-checked for fans to recognise – and then did nothing very much at all. A sudden memory of Diana’s about her past flared up, hinting at her developing deepening understandings of herself and her power – and then quietly evaporated. Ongoing troubles between vampire clans needing input from the Congregation were mentioned early on – and went nowhere. The only real sense of drama came from the children of Diana and Matthew.

In terms of a history lesson it was thorough, plenty of mention of known historical characters given flesh by placing them as part of the story, and plenty information about early modern medicine. I adored Apollo and Uncle Baldwin, and can’t wait to find out more about the childrens’ powers. I enjoyed finding out more about the birth and baby-steps of a new vampire. I’ll definitely read again and I think that knowing what to expect (and what not to expect) will probably increase my enjoyment. It’s an enjoyable, easy read, but nothing to get the heart pumping.


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