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Bloodsucking vampires are described as cold-hearted beings along with them there is also the description of werewolves which are even more lethal. Whether these two creatures have love in their hearts or not is a question that is answered through this series. Stephenie Meyer tells us all about the social culture of these beings and then the author adds love.

The love between two different species decorates the saga as Edward meets Isabella Swan. When the girl shifted to the little village she thought that life there would be boring but this was not the case. She met the boy who stole her heart at the first sight. There was something in him which appealed to her more than the average boys of her age.

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The more she tried to get closer to Edward the more he slipped away until she finally knows who he is. Edward Cullen was a vampire who does not mix up with girls or other human beings because he is always thirsty for blood. The author quite beautifully describes the power of love here i.e although Edward’s basic instinct forces him to suck the blood of the girl he just cannot do it because of love. Other books of the saga like New Moon and Breaking Dawn also became famous because of the presentation of love in the world of vampires.

The author talks about vampires and all that stuff but there is more love in the series as compared to bloodsucking. The epic war also starts between two species but this never crushes love which Ilyana Kadushin narrates in this opening part.

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