Watcher’s Question (Life in Exile #2) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Watcher’s Question (Life in Exile #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Watcher’s Question (Life in Exile #2) audiobook free
Okay, first off, Im still liking the story and the characters, so I will read the next book. Spoilers Mr. Author, you desperately need to rethink who you use to edit your books, or take more time to ensure a simple continuity read occurs. One instance is when the family comes across the mine dungeon, you jump from the father and daughter to suddenly the whole group is present. Its as if you skipped whole paragraphs, it jarred me enough that I had to stop reading, go back, and figure out what happened. Throughout the book you jump from Emily to Mira. You frequently switch them and it messes with the flow. I recommend you utilize an outline or some method to better keep track of where your characters are in the story. Numerous grammar and spelling errors, you misspell simple words and have a habit of transposing your pronouns. This story doesnt even look like it was edited before release. Clifhangers are lazy writing, this book reads like it is 1/2 of a larger story. You would be better served to finish out your current arc with each book. You have enough conflict that the story will continue, but you\’re trying to tell too many stories at once. I see you leaving leads for more stories. Its cool that you have a lot of things to tell in your world, but you would be better served as an author to tell a few stories well, over time, then a bunch of convoluted stories at once. I will see what you come up with for your third book before I abandon the series, but the lack of polish for this story disappoints me. You can do better Mr. Author.
Review #2
Watcher’s Question (Life in Exile #2) audiobook in series Life in Exile
Great main characters with realistic doubts, hopes, and fears, a great world with depth and complexity, and since it\’s a family Isekai, there is a Swiss Family Robinson/Lost in Space vibe. The author\’s pacing and focus are good but be warned he does cliffhanger endings. I\’ve already pre-ordered the next one.
Review #3
Audiobook Watcher’s Question (Life in Exile #2) by Sean Oswald
I want to give this book 4 stars, but find that the little problems annoy me too much. Honestly, I get a feeling that this series was originally published/written more as a serial with chapters produced regularly for a select group of readers. There is a lot of high action, high drama, no character developmental progress, that occurs and many of the plot choices are definitely skewed towards keeping that high emotional intensity, but low levels of catharsis. And as a long-time reader, I find that I grow bored of all action stories now. I like good interludes where we see real character interaction and growth. Honestly, Mira in this book becomes not much more than a walking damage bot with a huge intellect, but no wisdom and no compassion for anyone. She is so unsympathetic that its scary. Her parents aren\’t much better, although Dave gets to go all angsty about how he can\’t protect his family well enough due to him not having a class. The \”monster friend\” class doesn\’t even come up to #5 on my list of this tales minor, but annoying sins. But while I\’m annoyed by the plot choices and the very weak character development, its still interesting and I want to know what happens next. This is a high 3 star from me. It definitely falls much more on the \”like\” side of the equation, but the flaws keep me from putting it into my recommended columns.
Review #4
Audio Watcher’s Question (Life in Exile #2) narrated by Peter Berkrot
I really like the story line and character development of this family ripped from Earth and transported to an alternate world with magic and RPG rules. As another reviewer stated, the long flashbacks used in the first 10 chapters of the book were distracting and really annoying. Book 2 starts a week after the events at the conclusion of book 1. But for the first third of the book, current action is disrupted as each of the main characters has long flashbacks to their actions in that missing week. It would have been better if the author had continued directly from where he left off in book 1. After all, most series are meant to be read in order. If the reader wants to know what happen before, read the previous books in the series. The other distraction in the book is the lack of proofreading done for this book and therefore why I deducted one star. Auto-correct and grammatical errors abound with typos, misspellings, and incorrect word choices being made. But it was the inconsistency of these errors that made it so jarring. One chapter would be fine with very few errors and then the next chapter would be filled with errors (including getting the MC\’s wife Emily mixed up with his daughter Miri). It appears like the book chapters were divided up between a committee of editors and some of those editors did a terrible job. But overall a good series and I\’ll be eagerly awaiting book 3. PS. Wish there was a link to the book\’s map of Talos that can be expanded so that we can actually read all the location names. Most are too small to read or hidden in the terrain clutter.
Review #5
Free audio Watcher’s Question (Life in Exile #2) – in the audio player below
I really liked the first one and I like this one as well but it kind of dragged having to go back through memories to get caught up to more current events. Every thing still solid. Really wanted more Jackson then we got but maybe that will become it\’s own story. Of course now have to wait for more of the story.