The Laws of Human Nature

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The Laws of Human Nature audio is a nonfictional book written by Robert Greene. It is categorized under career success or business & careers group. Robert is a brilliant American author who is known for his writing on topics like power, strategy, and seduction. The author has so far written 6 bestsellers. A couple of those are Art of Seduction and 48 Laws of Power.

The narration of this novel was done by Paul Michael. He was also supported by the author, Robert Greene himself. The audiobook experience has become quite great with good performances given by them.

The Laws of Human Nature audiobook free

Human beings are social animals which is something Aristotle has also said much earlier than Robert Greene. He further explains that our lives are dependent upon having relationships with others in our social circle. To know that why people do the things they do is the most critical tool that we humans could have. If we don’t have this then our talent wouldn’t take us much further on its own. The author also took references and examples of the greats such as Queen Elizabeth I, Pericles, Martin Luther King, and several others. The author beautifully taught his audience how we could manage to detach ourselves from self-control and our own emotions. He also told about how one could develop empathy which could show us the insights and how we could look at ourselves.

The Laws of Human Nature is a long and beautiful audiobook. You might just play it at a slightly faster speed which will make it sound better. It will also put a lot of energy into this exciting book, which you would love.

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    Art of Seduction

    Thinking Fast and Slow


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