We Were Once audiobook
Hi, are you looking for We Were Once audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
We Were Once audiobook free
If there is one book that you need to pick up it is We Were Once. I really wish I could give this one more then 5 stars. It is my favorite book of the year so far. The emotions, the heart, the power of love give you all the feels. I had goose bumps reading this because it is that phenomenal. I fell in love with Joshua from the start. He owned me, made me swoon and then some. I really couldn\’t get enough of him. I love his banter with Chloe. Those two bring a smile to my face just thinking about them. Chloe is feisty and always tries to play by the rules. I love the changes in her once she meets Joshua. He brought out this spirit in her that let her spread her wings. You feel for Chloe and Joshua when it comes to few things. For what that is you are just going to have to read this epic love story of the year. I had tears streaming down my face. Happy, then sad and then happy again. I am a emotion mess but in a good way. What S.L. Scott gives us with the love between Chloe and Joshua you feel in your soul. There is so much beauty in We Were Once. I devoured this in a no time and it is so worth every feel. You need to fall in love with Chloe and Joshua. GO ONE CLICK THIS ONE NOW!!!
Review #2
We Were Once audiobook streamming online
TECHNICAL: The story was voiced in 2 POV and the chapters are labeled as such; but at times, it was hard to tell who was talking because the POV switches within a paragraph. Chloe is talking in first person, then Joshua says something in first person. Several times I had to reread conversations in order to realize that that should read he, not I. I remember there being several typos/errors within a few paragraphs in one of the early chapters but none after that. Odd. STORY: Joshua and Chloe are cute, the banter is witty at times and the story line was interesting; but for me, it was a tedious read regardless. However, I felt that Joshua and his fathers relationship couldve been explored a tad more. Just a tad. A lot of time was spent on the beginning 5 months of Joshua and Chloes love story, and it felt like more of a young adult book. Then, something happened to split them up and we pick up 6 or 7 years later. What transpired during those years is eventually told but I felt there were some holes. And of course, there were the usual (to me, unnecessary), angst-y misunderstandings that delayed the final reunion. SPOILERS: A traumatic event happens and Chloes father both threaten and tricks Joshua in order to keep him away from Chloe, but once they get back together, there are no repercussions from the father. Why the heck did they stay apart for so many years if the father wasnt going to do anything anyway? (I thought that he may have hindered Chloes career when she got back together with Joshua but that aspect was never really addressed or expounded upon). It kind of ticked me off that Chloes father never gets his comeuppance for creating this split.
Review #3
Audiobook We Were Once by S.L. Scott
Let me start by saying I was reading this on my phone and halfway through I wanted to throw the phone against the wall. THAT, folks was the climax of the story. I never EVER go to the end to and read backwards, but I had to with this book. Actually, I stopped at Chapter 33, went to the end to determine if I would even want to finish reading. I finished the book and am very glad I did. I bought this book on Saturday, started reading late on Sunday. On Monday I had to take an eight hour break because the plotline was driving me out of my ever loving mind. That being said, We Were Once is one of the most romantic books I have ever read. S.L. Scott is a new author for me, and her story knocked it out of the park. The love between Chloe and Josh was breathtakingly beautiful, the story of the rich girl and the boy from the wrong side of town. However the boy\’s biological father is almost as wealthy as her family, but other than his paying for Yale, there is no father-son bonding. Chloe and Josh\’s love develops so beautifully and completely, and it is THE best part of this story. I could go on and give away the ending, but I won\’t because you should suffer as I did. Suffice it to say the mess that always happens in a story was longer than in other novels. Character development and plot were well developed. Editing….a big red flag for me ( I was a teacher) was really tight. I did not encounter any spelling, punctuation, noun-verb mistakes, or errors using incorrect homonyms. It always irritates me when an author writes \”there\” instead of \”their\”, and the editor misses it. So writing conventions was really well done. My biggest problem now is that I have found a new author and need to read more of her books. I love the fact that Ms. Scott\’s novels are all more than 300 pages. Now I just have to find time to fit these new books into an already overloaded reading list.
Review #4
Audio We Were Once narrated by Andi Arndt Sebastian York
Love can be beautiful and brutal all at once! We Were Once is a second chance romance that will melt your heart one minute and devastate it the next. Its a true testament to the adage time heals all wounds. Joshua and Chloe are from two very different worlds, two worlds that just dont go together. Defying the odds their attraction is instantaneous, a connection felt deep in the soul (soulmates). They come together like two perfect pieces of a puzzle that makes its complete. Influences from one world will ultimately destroy the other in an act of cruel fate. Both will have to find the strength to move forward, but the pain of the past will always be there. There chosen paths obliterated by a cruel turn of events that will see them both take different paths in the future. Unknowingly though they will take the paths that leads them back to each other, but are they strong enough to overcome the heartache and pain that took them away from each other? S.L Scott has a beauty to her words and the story they tell. She is a master of the emotional push and pull that has you on the edge of your seat, grabbing the tissues and drowning in the sadness, then in the next breath has your heart bursting with joy and happiness. This is one book that is a roller coaster of emotions but one I can guarantee you will enjoy.
Review #5
Free audio We Were Once – in the audio player below
We were never suppose to fall in love We did it anyway We Were Once completely consumed me and I havent felt this way, about a book in such a long time. It was such a beautiful & heartbreaking story of first love, first everything & first heartache. Chloe and Joshua meet when he delivers food to her apartment, what neither of them realise is that chance meeting will change both their lives. They are two different people but the attraction is something neither can deny. They fall fast and hard for each other, experiencing that once in a lifetime kind of love. No relationship is without its obstacles and Chloe & Joshua experience that when a tragic event changes the course of their lives forever. Their HEA isnt an easy one, its heartbreaking & emotional & hard. But the course of true love, never runs smoothly and they will have to fight with everything they have to keep it. I cant remember the last time a book made me cry, like this one did. S.L. Scott took my little heart and broke it into pieces, but then she put it back together in the most beautiful way. This is hands down my favourite book so far of 2020, and part of me is just not ready to let it go yet.