When He’s Dark (The Olympus Pride #1) audiobook
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Review #1
When He’s Dark (The Olympus Pride #1) audiobook free
I know it was edited, so I expected to not find so many grammatical and story line mistakes, but there were quite a few. That was disappointing. Also, I feel as if although her books are supposed to be based in the US, with US characters, the British slang/speak was very strong in this one. That seems to be happening more and more as of late. I have a feeling that stepping away from her publisher is not helping her books, her pocket book maybe, but not what we download and read. However, man, what a ride. She has a way of having you think you know who the bad guy is, why things are happening, and keep you guessing until the very last second, when she is ready to reveal it all to you. I loved the characters, Alex especially since he reminded me of Cain, whose story we all wanted but never got. I really enjoyed this book a lot, solid plot line, well written for the most part. On the flip side of all the good, is the not so good. I don\’t get why she felt the need to continuously insert couples from the previous book, especially when they added absolutely NOTHING to this book. They felt just randomly thrown in there and I can\’t imagine why. Dominic & Mila of course make sense, but everyone else? Ryan out of all people ? Nah, totally pointless. So even though I liked the book, it left me feeling a little sad because it wasn\’t up to par with her previous ones.
Review #2
When He’s Dark (The Olympus Pride #1) audiobook in series Olympus Pride Series
Oh. I waited for this, and it\’s a split rating. The story is a solid four stars, and the execution is a mess, and it leaves me with an average of why, oh why??! You don\’t eff with a Pallas Cat, and you really don\’t eff with the Olympus Pride. The Olympus Pride is introduced in Bracken and Madisyn\’s book Echoes of Fire in the Mercury Pack Series. Vinnie Devereaux allies himself with the Mercury pack as both claim Madisyn under their protection, and that is how we first meet Tate and Luke. Suzanne finished off the Phoenix Pack series with Domenic and Mila\’s book introducing us to more Devereaux\’s. Which rolls us into this series and my torn into two pieces heart. Alex Devereaux is Mila\’s twin brother and Vinnie\’s nephew–but he takes after his mother\’s side of the family, and he\’s a wolverine, not a Pallas cat. But he does have a soft spot for one Pallas cat, and despite her being more or less inconvenient, and not his true-mate, she is what he lives for, or more aptly put, for what he\’s waiting for while he\’s passing the time. Pallas cats are temperamental, crazy, balls of psycho. When they say one has gone wrong, you can assume that it probably is terrifyingly awful on a horrific scale of nope. Paxton Cage was Bree Dwyer\’s true-mate, but when he disappeared and never returned, she was thankful because there was a darkness in him that her cat couldn\’t accept as a mate in any form. The only shifter she\’s wanted is one she can\’t have, and she\’s ready to cut her strings and leave the Olympus Pride to start over. I loved the story and the characters. The pride has a lot of great new faces. One of the things I can\’t wait for is Tate and Luke to have their books. I also want more–just more. Some things in this don\’t make sense to me, and it hurt my soul. The title is the first. The pronoun game sucks. I\’m terrible at math, but my ages for people feel all off. And I\’m getting a little tired with the reused plot-lines. And I do not understand why there are so many typos, grammatical errors, and word choice mistakes in this book. It feels fifty-percent edited, and as if it was not beta-read. Suzanne Wright remains one of my must one-clicks. This hiccup won\’t stop me from being all over the pre-order of the next book. I love the bones of her books, and if there are fashion mistakes, it\’s no reason in my mind to stop watching for success in the future.
Review #3
Audiobook When He’s Dark (The Olympus Pride #1) by Suzanne Wright
Suzanne Wright has a brilliant gift for storytelling. She is able to come up with characters, plots, and worlds that are imaginative and engaging time and time again. Its this element that keeps bringing me back to her books, despite, in my opinion, consistently having difficulties executing these ideas on paper. And the same situation happened here for me… wonderful premise and main characters that didnt quite reach its full potential. 1. Murky worldbuilding. This book is set in the same universe as both the Phoenix and Mercury Pack series but, as far as I know, is able to be read independently. Im honestly not sure if my background knowledge from reading some of those books helped or hindered my reading of this book. Many of the world details felt murky and I think because I was trying to measure it against what had been described in the other books I was left feeling things were off. This book focused on two types of shifters, Pallas cats and wolverines. Now with wolf shifters not as much explanation has to be done since almost everyone knows what a wolf is and its basic temperament, even if theyve never read a single shifter book before. However, these are animals that arent well known, so more time should have been spent on describing the structure of their societies, general temperaments, any particular skills that set them apart from different shifter animals, etc. Dont get me wrong, there was some of this included. I just didnt feel it was enough to give me a clear picture on what these shifters were. Additionally, omegas needed to be explained in greater depth. I was a bit lost on how it all works and why. It sometimes felt like the author made assumptions that you already had an understanding of the universe. 2. Lack of Community. One of my favorite things from Wrights series is the side characters. In both of the other series there is such a great camaraderie between the core group that adds so much humor and warmth. By the end, you feel a part of the group and invested in how they end up. This piece was sorely lacking in this book. I understand the dynamics are a bit different as I believe this pride is much bigger than either of the packs and therefore it is maybe unfair to compare them. However, there still should have been this group cohesiveness amongst their close family and friends, but it just wasnt there. It lead to the book not feeling as full or engaging. 3. Too much going on. This book had way too many plot lines going on. While, yes, most came together to resolve themselves in a big reveal, getting there made the book lose a lot of its magic. I believe this was the main reason for the two other points I mentioned above. So much time was dedicated to furthering the plot that most other things got shoved into brief appearances and telling rather than showing. The side characters appeared in brief snippets of scenes, there and gone so quickly that the reader barely gets to know them. Same thing happens for much of the romance, besides the sex scenes. Brief glimpses of a relationship before moving on to why all these things are happening. It made the story spread out and hard to keep track of in addition to making the character connections more superficial. 4. Main couple. This couple had great chemistry. I did quite enjoy seeing them together and appreciated their compromising skills (for being shifters). Despite only get brief snippets of relationship moments amidst the race to find the culprit, I did feel some intimacy between them. It wasnt as deep as I would have liked but it was appropriate for a more action and plot focused novel. I thought they complemented each other extremely well and I always love seeing people who circle their attraction for each other finally fall into it. This book had a great overall premise and likable characters. It just suffered from having too much going on that led to superficial character relationships and unclear worldbuilding. That said, I did still enjoy reading about these two and their path to being mates. Would I recommend? Heres the bottom line… if you like/love this authors writing, this will probably be another great book for you as it is fairly classic Suzanne Wright. If youre not a fan of her writing, this book will most likely not alter that opinion. If this is your first time trying one of her books, I would recommend starting with her Mercury Pack series instead. Happy reading!
Review #4
Audio When He’s Dark (The Olympus Pride #1) narrated by Samantha Cook
I really enjoy Suzanne Wrights books. Shes great at creating a paranormal world you can believe in. She also writes interesting characters and entertaining plots. Moving away from the Mercury and Phoenix wolf packs and starting a new thread in this shifter universe was a good move. The last few books had characters who were related to the Olympus Pride so we were already introduced to the idea of Pallas Cat and Wolverine Shifters and had met some of the characters. As races both Pallas Cats and Wolverines are snarky, mean and vicious. This makes for some hilarious banter between all the characters as they just say exactly what they think all the time. This book was about Alex a Wolverine, and nephew of the Alpha of the Olympus Pride, and Bree a Pallas Cat, who is also an Omega, someone who can sense and manipulate emotions and therefore function as the pack counsellors. Bree lost both of her parents quite young and her fated mate, Paxton, was a sociopath who she feared from an early age. Paxton left the pack 12 years ago and hasnt been heard from in over 4 years, so everyone thinks hes dead, except for his family, until some hyenas approach Bree to ask if she knows where he is. This starts all sorts of dangerous encounters and Alex, whos fated mate died a while ago, and was someone who he felt no connection with, finally steps up and finally shows his interest in Bree, which she has shared since she was a teenager. I like their relationship as it is pretty straight forward and there is very little in the way of hearts and flowers. It is, however, gritty and real and filled with passion. I also like how the Pride was a big part of the story with family and friends playing a big role in how things moved forwards. There were lots of twists and turns in the plot and I had no idea who the bad guy was until it was revealed, which surprised me, as I usually have a good idea. The characters are interesting and multi-dimensional and very witty. The banter between all the characters is laugh out loud funny and though difficult subjects are covered including violence and death, they are handled in a matter of fact manner. The book is filled with passion and the sex scenes are pretty hot, which is usual for this author. However, the lust is secondary to the emotions of the characters and the plot. Im glad this author decided to branch out into a new group of characters, because I like these new ones and look forward to getting to know them all better in the books to come.
Review #5
Free audio When He’s Dark (The Olympus Pride #1) – in the audio player below
The first in a new series but don\’t worry we still get to spend time with some old friends from previous series. Brew is an Omega, a shifter who can siphon emotion from another shifter, her main role in the pack is as a sort of councellor. She does not like being an Omega is uncomfortable in the role though she is the strongest Omega in the pack. Alex is a businessman and has many different businesses owned jointly with other pack members. He also just so happens to be a wolverine shifter. —– his mother is a wolverine mates to a Pallas cat——– he is often broody, surly and grumpy (just like his animal) . Alex lost his after mate when she died in an accident and Bree knows who her fated mate is but does not want to claim him as he is a murdering psychopath—- no, really—— who also has no interest in claiming her. Brew has always had a crush on Alex which has only deepened as she has gotten older, she can tell Alex desires her but he will not act on it as her \”mate\” is also his cousin Paxton. Deciding she can never be happy staying with the Olympus pride Brew decides to leave, Alex on finding out her intentions immediately decides that\’s not going to happen and stakes a claim. That\’s when things go crazy, hyenas are looking for Paxton and seem to think Bree knows where to find him, also strange shifters keep.trying to abduct her, worst of all it seems as if Paxton is back in town after being gone for ten years. Not only that but he\’s earning Brew just because he won\’t claim her doesn\’t mean he will let anyone else have her. Suddenly nowhere is safe for Bree.