You Can Drop It! audiobook
Hi, are you looking for You Can Drop It! audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
You Can Drop It! audiobook free
I read all the 5 star reviews before ordering this book and I was really looking forward to receiving it. However, upon receipt I quickly realized it is just more of the same information as one gets from other weight loss books. I find that all weight loss books have meal plans with foods that I don\’t eat, and recipes that don\’t appeal to me, as is the case with this book, too. I was also disappointed in the push to join the 2B Mindset subscription through the BeachBody website. One of the Facebook groups actually requires paid membership to join. That was a turn-off, too. I\’m glad others find it helpful, as we\’re all looking for that one thing that resonates with us to help us lose weight, but for me it isn\’t what I was looking for so I returned the book. I may be the only one who doesn\’t rate this book 5 stars, but I have to give my honest opinion.
Review #2
You Can Drop It! audiobook streamming online
Please don’t waste your time or money on this book. It has silly ideas such as picking out the chocolate chips from a Cookie and eating only the chips and throwing the rest of the cookie away or ordering a rich dish and eating only 3 bites before discarding the rest. Wasteful and ridiculous. I’d also hate for teens to read this. It did have some recipes that sounded good, but I’m returning the book.
Review #3
Audiobook You Can Drop It! by Ilana Muhlstein
Let\’s see…the title of this book is \’You Can Drop It! How I Dropped 100 Pounds Enjoying Carbs, Cocktails & Chocolate-And You Can Too!\’. Sample daily menu – Breakfast: BEACHBAR Breakfast Bowl, Lunch: Citrus Tofu with Slaw and Orange, Dinner: Baked Cod with Zucchini Packets with Tomato. HELLO? What happened to the carbs, cocktails and chocolate? There are very few carbs in this menu. Maybe the BEACHBAR is chocolate – but is it fair to ask readers to special mail order a product for the menu plan? Though I like the author\’s breezy, easy writing style the book was an overall disappointment. She does suggest four major things; drinking water, eating veggies, using a scale daily and keeping a record. And she gives tips and suggestions on how to do these things. But what she said could easily have been summed up in a magazine article. It really bummed me out that she is pushing BeachBody products and services so hard. She offers a paid membership course on her method. That\’s fine. But it\’s one thing to suggest a product. It\’s another to suggest learning more on a topic by reading articles or watching videos that are part of the paid membership, not included with the book. And she bases many of her menus around BeachBody products. I purchased the eBook version and it includes grocery lists that are not printable (though maybe they are in the paid membership program) but otherwise the formatting is good. Overall, I felt the eBook (which was more expensive than the hardcover) included some good material. But it read more like a book for her Beachbody program than a stand alone weight loss book for someone not using Beachbody. And this was not made clear in the product description. The book also suggests a companion Beachbody app but doesn’t clarify which one. I saw two in the app store and they both appeared to be paid subscriptions. The book description makes promises of weight loss and I disliked reading it to only to find that I need to buy her special Beachbody program to get \’all\’ the information and special shakes and bars to follow the menus. That said I do like how she encourages veggies etc.
Review #4
Audio You Can Drop It! narrated by Ilana Muhlstein
I can’t wait to dig into this book. Ilana’s lifestyle program 2B Mindset has changed my life. I started following her 4 simple principles in May of 2018 and have lost and kept off 75 pounds. I am a 45 year old mother of 2 and this program has taught me how to eat for my body and still love life. I am not on a diet I still have treats and I am happier and healthier than I have been in decades. This program works!!!
Review #5
Free audio You Can Drop It! – in the audio player below
Basic advice? Think positively: water first, veggies most, weigh daily & track your food to see how you body responds to varying food items. Okay. Good advice, but then there is NO tracking page template to follow, and the tracking app she recommended, Beachbody, is terrible! It didn’t save my tracking from previous days. So, tracking is the best method to learn how your body responds to your food intake, but her books has very little help with the practical application of tracking! How’s that helpful? It’s not. Then she plugs the sale of Beachbody products & a $36 tracking book you can purchase. I just bought this book to buy another book? Yeah. Thanks a lot.