The Single Undead Moms Club audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Single Undead Moms Club audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Single Undead Moms Club audiobook free
I liked this one, but I didn\’t love it. I was already nervous going in because I personally dislike when a story has a volatile situation involving kids. The stress of having a kid taken away (even though in a romance you\’re pretty assured the ending will be a happy one) is not what I consider enjoyable reading. It stresses me out. Add in a frustrating (and seemingly pointless) love triangle and this is probably my least favourite of this series. I think it\’ll be better during a second read through. It has all of Molly\’s trademark humour and outlandish characters, and I\’d still recommend reading/listening to this one, even given my reservation on some of it.
Review #2
The Single Undead Moms Club audiobook streamming online
I just finished re-reading it. For the fifth or sixth time. Libby Stratton\’s solution to terminal illness is creative and the story that follows is hilarious and awesome (the bit about Chelsea being a child of Snow White and Satan made me hoot with laughter, to the point where other people asked me what was going on). Bad guy beards, brookies, Bigfoot, death barns, and Crybaby Bob (who talks like Sideshow Bob in my head) just make this book something special and hilarious. Read it! Then read it AGAIN!
Review #3
Audiobook The Single Undead Moms Club by Molly Harper
Libby Stratton didn’t take her role as single Mom lightly and when it became obvious that she wasn’t going to beat cancer, she did the only thing that she thought she could do. She put an ad in the paper to request for a vampire to turn her into one. As if life wasn’t hard enough before being turned, try it out when you’re the only vampire mom on the PTA. As if being completely ignored with the exception of being given the worst jobs, your son being rejected by all of the other parents, and being sued by her in laws for custody just to name a few of her latest problems. Ad in that her vampire sire didn’t disappear like she requested and now has feelings for her and she can’t stop thinking about the sexy janitor that she met. What’s a girl to do??? This book had me rolling in laughter. I absolutely loved every minute of it! Libby and Wade were hilarious together and I loved that both Dick and Jane were back along with some of the other character from the past books. Libby and Wade’s boys were so stinkin cute, they made me long for the days when my kids miss used words and said things that would make me want to burst out laughing but didn’t in fear that I would hurt their feelings because they were so serious in what they were talking about. This series is so funny and well worth the money spent even though my limit for books is normally $5.00. I’m unsure if it’s shareable or not and if not, that would be my only complaint.
Review #4
Audio The Single Undead Moms Club narrated by Amanda Ronconi
Excerpt: \’As an adult, after the curfews had been abolished, I didn’t let a potential encounter with the undead affect my schedule. I figured that if a vampire was going to make a snack of me, he or she would have done it already. I doubted they would have waited until they were living out in the open to chow down on my neck. So I didn’t let it bother me. I was a woman. I was already hyperalert while walking around in dark environments.\’ It has the haha factor, and… ain\’t that the truth girls?
Review #5
Free audio The Single Undead Moms Club – in the audio player below
Like all of Molly Harper\’s books, this adventure is filled with humor, quirky romance, and plenty of familiar faces. Libby, a widow, escapes a sentence of terminal cancer by way of becoming a vampire, only to find her in-laws suing for custody of her six year old son. With help from her Council representatives, otherwise known as Jane and Dick, she has to prove she\’s still a fit parent to the community and the increasingly evil PTA. Chance encounters with a handsome mechanic spice things up, along with her previously anonymous Sire\’s romantic overtures. Toss in a masked man trying to kill her, and you have the perfect recipe we\’ve come to expect from Ms. Harper.