Edge World (Undying Mercenaries #14) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Edge World (Undying Mercenaries #14) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Edge World (Undying Mercenaries #14) audiobook free
Narration is great and always has been. Also, I have enjoyed the story line from the beginning and that is the reason why I have continued listening to each new book. Larson created a world that is fascinating. The problem is that I don\’t think he develops it well. Another problem is that the characters don\’t feel realistic and seem to get worse as the story goes on. And why is McGill the only one that can figure things out, is everyone else really that dumb? That aspect makes the story less believable. The first four books are fairly good and while they have some problems, I felt like things were getting better and better. However, after that, the rest of the books have been just good enough that I haven\’t felt the need to leave a poor review. Then, books 11-14 have really started to put me off of the series. Larson is riding off the early success that this series had and is pumping out book after book, I would like him instead to work on polishing the story line a bit. Obviously there are people who seem to like this series no matter what. But, this is just how I feel after sticking with the series all the way through.
Review #2
Edge World (Undying Mercenaries #14) audiobook streamming online
It was generic compared to the previous books. I was essentially bored for the whole thing. McGill was less of a pervert deviant in this one compared to how skin crawling creepy he was in the last one. The book does almost nothing. You could splice any five or ten chapters from any of the previous books at random and get this book. The universe of undying mercenaries expanded in no significant way.
Review #3
Audiobook Edge World (Undying Mercenaries #14) by B. V. Larson
Spoilers ahead. So in the beginning first few books, you could like James as a good guy, yes he lied, but only when necessary, it wasn\’t his secondary purpose. And yes we get it, he\’s a ladies man, but he wasn\’t a mindless horn ball with no morals. He uses to understand other people\’s feelings how girls felt when he was a jerk. Now he doesn\’t care. He prides himself in being a great lier, and looks for chances to prove it. I\’d like to see him go back to being a guy who can get any girl but has some loyalty to one. I get the lack of following bad orders that makes the book fun, but why is he suddenly an idiot? He was one year away from graduating college in computer science, he\’s shown his ability to think, yet everyone says he\’s a idiot still.. graves went from a office who defended James gave him a loose leash, but now graves goes out of his way to get in the way. Shouldn\’t he have built some kind of trust by now? Why is Claver still around? What\’s happening with the civil war? All these world earth has and still barely a fleet to fight for independence. And not that I\’m bothered by foul language, but the last 4 books have been dropping the f bomb for just the sake of doing it. But really it\’s not needed for the story, in the future we\’re still using the same swear words? I\’d like to hear more from natasha\’s side, kill off the old annoying villains and get some new ones? Get into the war.. let\’s hear coopers life view? Maybe a charter from Harris once in a while or carlisle, James daughter isn\’t getting into any tricks and trouble in her life at all? This is a great world, and so many fun characters that could be expanded on.. this series had gone stale, but the story could go on with any other character James daughter could be the best new star of the next series in the same world, maybe she gets drafted into germania or varies?
Review #4
Audio Edge World (Undying Mercenaries #14) narrated by Mark Boyett
This was the worst book in the series. The stoy was too predictable and seemed rushed. In one scene Winslade dies and saves the day without being revived. In another scene McGill and Armelle were fighting, both wearing impenetrable armor; later in the book McGill confronts Armelle as if Armelle just received the armor. Time to change the POV or end this series.
Review #5
Free audio Edge World (Undying Mercenaries #14) – in the audio player below
I DONT GET TO SLEEP AT NIGHT BECAUSE OF THIS BOOK, recommending to all my friends