Star Wars: Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice

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Star Wars: Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice

Hi, are you looking for Star Wars: Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Star Wars: Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice audiobook free

Excellent start to a series for middle grade readers. Anakin and three fellow Padawans have to handle an environmental disaster on their own when they’re separated from their Masters. Good lessons about working together and taking responsibility for your own failures.

Review #2

Star Wars: Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice series Star War

Great read. I’m am adult and love these as a quicker read. The author does a great job with portraying possible Jedi challenges. The best to know what happened betwen episode 1 and 2

Review #3

Audiobook Star Wars: Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice by Troy Denning

I’m glad this was a Prime Reading book, cause man I’d be disappointed if I’d paid for it.

This book was incredibly slow, and was literally 120 pages of Anakin just being Anakin. It took me about 2 weeks to get through it all (TWO ENTIRE WEEKS!), because I’d start a chapter, think “oh what’s Anakin gonna whine about now,” and then put it down again.

Thankfully, it’s over. This didn’t add anything in the grand scheme of the lore, and I’d steer myself away if me from the past asked my opinion on it.

Review #4

Audio Star Wars: Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice narrated by Marc Thompson

I know he review is outdated but this author truly caught the word of Star Wars for me. Her ability to blend the world to a young audience but still capture the spirit are why she is a good writer to me. The first installment into the Jedi quest has the same heart of apprenticeship, only shifting the perspectives in just the right way to make it new. It moves, has moments that imagination love but never gets stuck in monotonous details. Her new group promises to be entertaining and i have a feeling that the adventure will do quite well. Sure not the most complicated or in depth, but a great opening to the series that will have a lot of heart. Take notes Disney’s writers because watson set the sage a long time ago for you guys to get help.

Review #5

Free audio Star Wars: Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice – in the audio player below

Der Auftakt zu der Serie zwischen Episode 1 und 2 hat mit diesem Buch einen guten Start.

Anakin, leidenschaftlicher Bastler, folgt seiner Berufung ein Jedi zu werden. Gemeinsam mit Obi-Wan und einer Reihe für die Serie erstellter anderer Charaktere leistet der Jediorden einem Planeten Hilfe, der von einer mysteriösen Seuche befallen wird. Es folgt ein nettes Abenteuer und einige kleine Intrigen.

Jude Watson schafft es die Charakterzüge der Personen gut darzustellen. Anakin, der nicht von klein auf in den Orden aufgenommen wurde muss es schaffen sich anzupassen und den Erwartungen gerecht zu werden. Schon in dieser Zeit werden die Wurzeln für seine späteren Handlungen gesetzt. Der schwere Alltag und Konkurrenzdenken müssen von ihm gemeistert werden.

Das Buch richtet sich zwar primär an jüngere Leser bietet aber auch noch genug nette Unterhaltung für Liebhaber der Serie. Das Englisch ist wirklich sehr simpel gehalten, was es auch Personen mit einem nicht ganz so gutem Englisch erlauben müsste alles zu verstehen. Als kurze Lektüre für Zwischendurch auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen.

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